My Girlfriend was sick so i took her Psychology class and what happened next was Psychopath

My girlfriend was sick she had flu , but she needed to be at a Psychology class. I took her place with a small tape recorder to tape the class while taking notes from the board.

My girlfriend told me that, unlike high school, there was no roll-call, so nobody would notice I was sitting in for her. I don't know why, but the professor started the class calling out every name from a list.


My girlfriend's last name started with a V, so I had all the time in the world to count heads. Thirty-three students, myself excluded.

Every student answered the roll call with a 'yes', or 'here', or 'present'. When my girlfriend's name was called, I rose from my seat and said,

'Statistics say that one in thirty people is a psychopath.'

The professor looked up at me, smiled and said, 'So?'

'Including you and me," I said. 'I count thirty-five people in this room.'

She nodded. 'Is your girlfriend unable to attend?'

'Yes,' I said. 'She has the flu.'

'So you altruistically volunteered to spend an hour with us.'

'Not totally altruistic,' I said, 'but, yes, I did.'

'A psychopath wouldn't volunteer,' the professor said, 'so I can rule you out now. Please sit down and take notes.'

I sat down and she looked around. 'Now we have an hour to figure out who is the psychopath among you.'

That hour turned out to be quite informative Psychopathy
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