I Would Love to Connect & Be a Friend - Let's Make Positive Difference

Hello Fellow Steemians,

Being thankful is a great trait. I'm grateful that I'm here. And I would like to credit my presence here to a wonderful hero who calls himself Suppoman. You can find him here on Steemit (@suppoman). He's an amazing guy!

Let me introduce myself to the wonderful people at Steemit.


First of all, I would seriously love to have a body like this amazing guy. I took this picture from Pixabay. How I wish it was me!

So who am I if not the guy in the picture above?


Here's a quick look at my introduction.

Name: Ilyas Tarar
Country: Pakistan
Age: 27
Skills: Blogging, Content Writing
Hobbies: Book Reading, Article Reading, Sports
Interests: Cryptocurrencies, Cryptotrading, Football, Technology, ICT, Green Energy, Educational Philanthropy
Profession Expertise: Supply Chain Management
Passion: Learning, Personal Development, Making a Difference
Initiative: Educate One Child (https://www.facebook.com/EducateOneChild/)

Let me share some links where you can know more about me. There are more than 10,000 people who are connected with me on the internet.

My Website: http://www.ilyastarar.com/about-ilyas-tarar/
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/Ilyas2654
FacebookcPage: https://web.facebook.com/IlyasTararOfficial/
Twitter Handle: @IlyasTarar8
Instagram: @ilyastaarar

My story was covered by 'The Uplifting Stories' page and it contains exclusive details of my life's journey. You can read it here.

Link: - http://bit.ly/2rAdY0o

I love to read books and I have read some great books recently. Here are some of the names.

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
Linchpin - Seth Godin
As A Man Thinketh - James Allen
Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
Circle of Profit - Anik Singal

I hope you are not bored yet. Here's a short paragraph about me and my life.

I was a decent student who earned badges of excellence in academics. Throughout my school and college stay, I remained a prominent player in football, hockey, and athletics. I still play football at a reasonably competitive level. I also remained an active participant in dramatics and quiz competitions. I am a keen learner who believes in sharing my knowledge. My interests include online learning, education, empowerment, creative writing, blogging, and of course football. I strive to learn about my professional as well personal interests.

Here are some of my certificates.

University of Pennsylvania - Creating Viral Content

Contagious Content Course - Penn.jpg

University of California San Diego - Learning How to Learn

Learning How to Learn Course.jpg

University of Michigan - Influencing People

Influencing People.jpg

University of Michigan - Inspiring & Motivating Individuals

Inspiring & Motivating Individuals.jpg

World Bank - Public Procurement

Public Proc Certificate.jpg

Udemy - NLP Goal Setting

UC-EO65ZTWE - Goal Setting.jpg

Udemy - SEO for Website Owners


There are many more certificates that I have earned but the purpose is not to show off. Just letting you know that I love learning online and offline.

I'm glad to have introduced myself to you. I would love to connect to you across all the social media. Do follow me on Steemit so that I could follow you back as well.


Ilyas Tarar

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