Welcome to Imaxess : The first hospital in the world to accept steem : I am Dr Eduardo Padilla

Hello Steemians!

My name is Dr Eduardo Padilla and I'll be blogging as @imaxess.

First off I want to thank you all for the warm reception I received over the weekend.
When @williambanks told me about this platform I just didn't believe it.
I wish I had listened sooner.

Then he showed me the reception he got for a video game and the first question I had was
"How can we be part of this?"

He explained that this platform would be excellent for our education and outreach efforts.
So I will be blogging regularly, you may see the same content in different languages, mostly English & Spanish, I invite you to read it anyways because learning a new language is good for the mind.

The funds raised from each post will be used for a good cause, but to understand our cause, you need to understand where it comes from.

I studied pre med in Revelle college UCSD. After which I entered medical school in Tijuana where I finished my education and became an MD.

While I was a medical student I started working in the first clinic in Baja California to offer CT scans.
This is where my passion for using technology in medicine started.

One day a patient came in to have a head CT, he had been in a bad automobile accident and was rushed to the nearest hospital. When he arrived the administrator of the clinic were I worked, insisted on upfront payment for the study, which the patient's mother could not provide.

After multiple calls to friends and family, seeing that she could not get the money needed, I told the administrator that I would pay for the study personally.

He agreed, but as we were going to pass him to the CT he died.

His mother knelt and asked for forgiveness for not having the money to save his life...

In that precise moment IMAXESS was born!
I was determined to set up a hospital where we could offer state of the art equipment and if somebody needed a procedure done, we would do it regardless of his or her ability to pay.

For the last 30 years we have done exactly that.

After I started the clinic, I finished my medical training and then went to Mexico city to do my residency in Radiology.
One the biggest government hospitals in Mexico, Centro Medico La Raza, a facility belonging to IMSS (Mexico's healthcare system).

After finishing my residency, I embarked on a journey to get the right medical information to the people.

My life's work has been to provide easy to understand medical information so that everybody can have a solid understanding of how this magical machine we call the human body actually works.
I do this so that everyone is be able to make right decisions about their health.

I stated the first telemedicine and teleradiology network in Mexico.
We were the first in Baja California to offer high field MRI, helical CT and digital radiology.
Imaxess have been pioneers in Mexico in getting health technology available to the people, enlighten them on key concepts and we live to make their lives better.

From here on out you will see an eclectic mix of topics.
My goal with this blog is to demystify medicine and make approachable even to laymen.
If you learn a new thing every day, I'll consider it mission accomplished.
If even a single life is made better by this, I will consider it a gift from God.

In addition to outreach and the occasional advertisement, you will see me gradually begin to bring over my course material.

I teach radiology and telemedicine to my cadre of student doctors and we will be using this platform as part of that course. I will be tagging that material as requiremente and asking my students to blog and upload their homework.

As this account builds SP I'll use the voting weight slider to grade homework, giving each of my students a few pennies for doing a good job. If you enjoy their responses, feel free to jump in with an upvote or two.

There will be a lot of things coming as we integrate this social media platform into our workflow and we may try different experiments. I see so much potential here now...
@williambanks explained scienceinanarchy to me and while it was a good start, it's just one possible method of using this incredible tool we've got.

About the only thing I cannot do here is offer specific medical advice online.
If you need immediate medical attention I urge you to seek competent, qualified practitioners in your local area.
However for anything else, please feel free to stop by Imaxess here in Tijuana Mexico.

We treat you like family, because when it comes down to it, all of us are.

Thank you again for the warm reception and feel free to ask me anything or recommend topics you would like to know more about in the comments below.

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