It is finally HERE!! @intelliguy finally posts an introduceyourself post after MORE THAN A YEAR of waiting!

After gaining 1000+ followers to finally introduce myself. It's time.... Find out the juicy details.


I deliberately took more than a full year to introducemyself and I'll tell you why AND I will also do it too!

When I first joined steemit June 2016 I really didn't know what to expect from this place. Everyone was introducing themselves but why? ...and to who?

My first thought was... well, I'm not going to do this, until people like my writings.

My second thought was... wow!! People are making thousands from introducing themselves, I could do that too... but there was something wrong with "just doing it for the money".

I thought it would be better to wait. I realized my introduceyourself post would finally be better suited when people "really wanted to know more about me".

...and I waited to see if I'd accumulate a substantial number of followers and praises for the time, effort, and things I wrote.

All year long I wondered and waited. Should I do it now?

....then I hit 1000 followers. I started thinking... now would be an ideal time. Then I logged back in a day later and lost a follower, so now I had 999 followers. I was glad I waited :) I now have 1050+ followers so I won't accidentally drop numbers right before this posting comes out.

In a similar vein, I never proudly pronounced when I hit 100 followers, or 400 followers, or 700 followers, or even 800 followers.... Talking about me, and boasting about me, is something I don't like to do.

So why are you doing it now @intelliguy?

I think it's time I put a face behind the words written by me. I want to be open and honest about who I am, some secret truths about me. I'm going to open myself and share as much as I can with you today.

  • Quick note: @intelliguy stands for Intellivision guy. It was the first gaming console that had digitized voice IntelliVoice. I admired that piece of technology when my friend showed it to me many years ago. I never owned one.... I guess I suppose I did expect people would think my name stood for intelligent-guy but it doesn't. (The logo is from Intellivision too.. the little purple running guy if that wasn't enough a hint lol). I could explain more about why I chose this name, but let's get to the good stuff. (...and yes, I do love Jumpman Junior)

There are some things that are going to get in the way though, and that's privacy. To be honest, I'd rather not be private at all. I don't think I should have to be private. However, in 2017 there is a very definite need for privacy. Think trolls, government, stalkers, abusers, and more...

When I turn my computer off, I'd like it to stay off, and anything I did on it, to be asleep too.

My online life, and my offline life are separate. I like that...

Just like most people. I like to live an offline life of happiness, fun, enjoy the time I have on this earth. I find it difficult to do as many things as I like, simply because of my current financial situation, and the current state of the world in general.

Rather than make this long winded... and too much to read, I'll give you some FAST FACTS that will probably give you an idea of the type of person I am.

(in no particular order)

  • I am open minded and a critical thinker
    I could spend all night talking with someone about the meaning of life, the state of the world, history, the future, you name it. I love to exercise my brain and learn new things.

  • I love to listen. While I'm talking and sharing, I'm not listening or learning.
    I'm not one of those people that have to constantly interject my own story or my own view unless it's warranted. When in a group of people, or one-on-one, I pay attention to body language and timing. I usually know when someone wants to hear from me and when they don't. I can learn so much from someone sharing knowledge with me, that when they want it, I happily return he favor. I always intently listen. I could listen to a homeless person, or a rich person the same way, with the same interest.

  • I don't like to judge people. This is hard to do (I'm human), but I don't like to...
    I have found over the years that even the worst sickest minded person still has some good qualities even if the bad qualities are so predominant. Everyone gets a chance in my books, and the only time I abandon someone is if they do something that directly hurts me, my family, my friends, or other innocent people that I care about. Even then, I'll give them a chance to make amends and if they don't... then I walk away.

  • I am not greedy, actually to a flaw. I will always give more than I receive to a point that I won't take care of my own wants and needs.
    I will wear my shoes until my foot starts sticking out the sides and the soles wear to the point the shoes are uncomfortable to wear. I will wear shirts until they have holes in them. I will drive a vehicle as long as it continues to start and runs and repairs are possible. I will have my hot water tank blow, and wait too long to get another one. (I've been without running hot water for a whole year)

Some of these things about me may be hard to understand. I can explain each one of them, including the hot water thing if asked. Some of them could qualify to be a whole post about individual topics.

We don't have time for that... this is fast fact about @intelliguy

  • I like to help people, for free, or insanely cheap
    I have his belief that when you have the ability to help someone, you do. I don't charge for my time and effort near as much as I could, or maybe even should. I'm addicted to helping people just because I can. Steemit is the first platform that allows someone like me to financially benefit without me having to even ask. :)

  • I cry for happiness
    I cry at good movies. I cry when someone sings on America's Got Talent and a humble undiscovered shy singer belts out their soul to the crowd. I am emotionally stable, but I admit I do cry. Seeing good things in life is so well overdue, I cry when I see or hear about them.

  • I dream each and every night.
    There hasn't been a day I haven't woken up and remember parts of my dream until they start fading.

  • I have sleep apnea
    (and you might have guessed it), it is untreated. I don't have an expensive machine and not sure I want one. Even then, I can't see myself spending so much money for something I might not want. This leaves me tired all of the time.

  • I dislike doctors and the medical profession.
    If you haven't seen the mini-series "The Knick", I recommend you do. I will see a doctor when I can't heal myself. I often can. My immune system is tough. If I cut myself, it is usually healed and gone within a week.

  • I'm spiritual, but not religious.
    Sometimes I call myself an untrained psychic or medium. If I'm in the right frame of mind, I can detect and know things about people and places. It's strange and uncanny. I've never explored this enough because I've always got my plate full of things to do. No, I don't hear voices in my head, lol. When I started learning about this ability, I started doing readings for certain friends. What I discovered brought people to tears and they admitted I was right. I'd get things right 90% of the time and they were shocked and in awe. When I retire I plan to do more with this... Now I leave it alone and ignore it. From the time I get up in the morning, to the time I go to bed, I'm always busy, busy, busy with mundane life problems, I need to focus on that right now.

  • When I was young, I wanted to be like Bill Gates
    (Not the person, just simply a computer genius running a huge computer company, and getting rich.)
    I'm glad that didn't happen, and I'm glad I'm not Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or similar. There are so many reasons why... plus.. I don't think I was put on this earth to do that..

  • I grew up poor. I however, I had significant money once
    ...from running my own business, and crash after crash, and recession after recession, ruined that for me. When I did have money though, I'd over tip on purpose. I'd buy things for friends and family that couldn't afford it. I shared my wealth, because I could afford to do that. When I hit really hard times all of those same people walked away. That sucked, but it didn't taint me. I'd do it the same way all over again, but this time, I'd save a bit more for those rainy days. I learned my lesson, just because you have good income today means nothing 5 or 10 years from now. Always keep a stash for the future "just in case".

  • I became politically active once.
    Until the politician who was in power took me aside one day and confessed what really happens after you get elected. (again, my listening skills worked well here). I listened intently and was quite disturbed on what I found out. After that, I lost all faith in politics.

  • I use to be a conspiracy theorist
    ...until I realized 70% of the conspiracies were just over exaggerations, half truths, and not the full story. I switched to become a realist, a critical thinker, and I keep an open mind now. Everything is possible.

  • I am a privacy junkie
    My immediate need for privacy is when I happened to google myself one day and found things I wrote on the internet several years ago... Hey! Some of that I didn't want archived. Some of that stuff I didn't want lingering around. Some of it was spur of the moment talk where I changed my views later. When that happened, I realized I should only say things online that I expect to be preserved for decades. When facebook started archiving things, I left facebook. Weird how I'm writing on a preserved blockchain, but I can do that without revealing things that don't need to be revealed.

Some of you now might be asking....

Where's your picture? What country to you live in? What's your name?

...needless to say, I won't share any of those things. But if you really consider it. None of those are key to who I am. They're unnecessary.

Who I am is in my mind, my heart, and my soul.

...and I will happily share all of that with you.

My geographic location, physical attributes, and my government registered name are meaningless. Unless of course, you're planning on dating or getting married. :)

So thats who @intelliguy is... at least a large glimpse of me.

Oh, and my biggest pet peeve... if I could pick just one..

Is when people think they know me and judge me. Or if they expect me to do something, and I don't.

I disappointed someone online recently. They showed their disappointment without realizing how much it hurt me. In their quest to build things they forgot who I am. They didn't say or do anything specific. I could feel it in their voice. I could feel their disappointment and their disdain. I felt apologetic for making them feel that way...

It became a "non said issue" where I got the feeling that I was basically given a choice. Either I follow them in their endeavors or they would cut me off of any help they would offer me. They were picking friends and sides, and I was asked to do the same.

But at the end of the day, I have to do what I feel is right. That guides me. I do well by it. I ended up picking my sides, but not because I was forced to, but because I wanted to..

On this same note...

Sometimes I call it that the universe takes care of me. Certain things happen, like getting a great parking spot when I'm pressed for time. Or finding something sold out at the store that I really need, but there is one last one waiting for me misplaced on the shelf that I find. Running out of money and a day before the rent is due, I get a surprise job that pays me the same day for the rent.

So if I was a bad person, these little reminders that happen in life wouldn't happen. I seem to have more good karma that works in my favor than dollars in my pocket. But I'm okay with that... it feels good

I've been powering down lately, but at the expense of my future and my retirement. I've got a new hot water tank ordered and it's going to be installed. I have some left over for new shoes (these ones hurt too much).

Next week, I'm powering back up again, and my little emergencies are a lot less now.

I'd like to end this, by thanking all of you for following, and especially your comments. I've met a lot of similar people. A lot of you have great spirits and are quite deep in your thoughts, and intelligent to boot.

Sincerely yours.

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