A Brief Self Introduction


About Me.

I am Isaac, born in the mid-90s. I am born a curious soul, questioning about everything in life ever since I was a kid.

A typical conversation between my dad and I when I was young was like:" Daddy, why is the sky blue?" "Daddy, why is this, why is that..." It came to a point that it was so annoying my dad started to tell me that he is just a normal human who does not know every answer to everything. It did not stop me from continuing questioning things in life.

Malaysia is made up of 3 major races, Malay, Chinese and Indian. My mother tongue is Chinese, which I started speaking Cantonese first then Mandarin. I picked up English and Malay at a very young age so I am multilingual. Therefore, I hope you can forgive me if I make any mistakes in terms of my language.

Today, I am an undergraduate student currently pursuing a degree in​ International Business and Marketing. I love learning about new things every day, absorbing new knowledge by reading articles, news and watching videos online. My peers always describe me as a Jack of All Trades, while I call myself a master of none. I have interest in a lot of things, majorly in business, music, sports, technology, philosophy, travelling etc.

I came across blockchain half a year ago from an article somewhere. I saw the possibilities of how blockchain can change lives and the world. I started preaching to people and making my peers ​be aware of the blockchain technology. I love reading and writing, but there was not a huge incentive to writing so I stopped writing years ago. After knowing about the steemit platform, I finally find a platform that enables me to share almost anything and I get rewarded! Now I have a reason to persuade​ myself to allocate a portion of my time back to writing again.

I hope my fellow comrades in the steemit community will comment and suggest what kind of topics are favourable to you all so I have a rough idea of​ what I should be working on.

This concludes a very brief introduction of myself, I hope you like it. Please leave a comment or suggestion. Thank you!

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