My first post! The DAY my husband WALKED out…

Hey first post ! My name is Jayne Bryson from Australia....

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I knew it was going to happen, it was purely a matter of time. It did happen, he walked out leaving me with the mortgage, the kids, the dog and the fish which I accidentally killed by leaving the hose in for too long in the pond shortly after. Sometimes you just know when things are going to happen. The crunch time came when I went to a health and well-being seminar. A Doctor stood up on the stage and proceeded to describe how toxic relationships could make you sick, not only mentally but physically. That hit me like a huge Mac truck. My marriage was rocky, intense, loveless, meaningless, a roller coaster ride 90% of the time and we were literally unhappy being together. To tell you the truth we just didn’t like each other.

At this stage, you may be thinking, so she lived happily ever after. No, not exactly. It changed my life completely. I started to question my life and the role I was here to play on this planet Earth. What was my purpose? For quite some time, I was in and out of relationships, couldn’t seem to get that one right. I flew around the world attending personal development courses, immersed myself into CDs, audios, online self-development courses just to mention a few things. It was my intention to put some clarity into my life. Some answers to why my life had turned out the way that it had.

It’s 7 years on now from that day he walked out. There were days I fell into a heap of a blubbering mess, feeling terribly sorry for myself for days. Hiding my despair from my children as much as I could. Feeling the full responsibility of my family’s needs, not just financial also emotional was certainly a challenge. Do I have more understanding of where I am and what I want out of my life now? You bet I do.

This is what I have understand from that day he walked out leaving me with the mortgage, the kids, the dog and the fish! I now know that I am a stronger woman and a more resilient one. I also know that this was my journey and given to me by our creator knowing I could survive it. They say, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.…YIPPEE for that one.



从那天起,已经七年了,他走出去了。有几天我陷入了一堆blu ing的混乱,对我自己几天感到非常遗憾。尽可能地把我的绝望从我的孩子身上隐藏起来。感受到我家庭需要的全部责任,不仅仅是财务上的情感也是一个挑战。我现在对我的生活以及我现在的生活有什么了解吗?你打赌我做


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