Let me introduce my alter-ego Greenhouse Man!

In the shadowy world of greenhouse work comes a hero who hates breathing perlite dust! That's right!!!

Greenhouse Man!!!

"Ah you think the greenhouse is your ally?, You merely read about it, I was sweating in it!" That's the Bane voice in my head!

That's right folks, we got another pallet of perlite in and it's time to load another 4 rows of buckets. In case you have never worked with dry perlite, it is dusty and also considered a lung irritant, not to mention the warning labels on the bag that advise against breathing in the dust for fear of causing silicosis!

So here I am in a 90+ degree greenhouse with high humidity and wearing a respirator that my sweat is pooling into, I feel like I'm about to suffocate! But I am my own boss, LOL.

So 33 bags of this stuff into the next four rows and then it's planting time!

Looks like i'm in for a fun day!

Ya'll stay cool, because I know I won't.

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