An Introduction to Me: jessandthesea // SKIN IS MY CANVAS OF CHOICE

I started a project where I write my poetry on people's bodies. It's called Sex on Sundaze. I write a new, original poem inspired by the model(s) it is written on for a unique episode every Sunday. My plan is to someday (hopefully sooner than later) write on Ellen on her show. And Rihanna. And maybe Bernie Sanders would be cool too :)

I'm new to Steemit, and I thought this might be a good forum to share what I am doing. This is Episode 81: Natural Melancholy, published a few weeks ago for the first time. I wrote this one on myself because I recently moved to Mexico City and have been feeling really sad and antisocial. Too antisocial to have been putting myself out there to meet people and get close enough with them to write for/on them. The poem reflects that, and the photo too. It was kind of hard to write on my own face, but less hard than before; I have had lots of practice. Anyway, this is the raw me.

I'm Jessica Lakritz. I'm 32. I'm an ENFP and an existentialist. I am a poet. My dog's name is Luna, and she is my world. I'm from the US, but I have been living abroad for a long time in various places (I am a nomad). Telepathy is 80% noticing. I'm not usually so consumed by negative feelings, but I guess it is just washing over me for now. I expect it to go away soon. It already kind of has a little bit. I do feel better than I did when I wrote and painted this on myself.

If you like my work, I would love to hear from you! All the positive things add up, you know?


(Below the photo is what appears on the website with the photo, the poem written out, and a "bio.")

81 natural melancholy web.jpg

//EPISODE 81//

Natural Melancholy

I wept to a bird
who drank bleach
from the hands
of a psychopath.

MODEL: I wrote on myself again this week because I meant to find someone else to write on, and it just didn’t happen. I have been pretty sad lately, from natural life things. Moving to a new city is of course exciting and amazing and full of cool wondrousness. It is also lonely, frustrating, exhausting, and hard. Most times you don’t hear much about the latter, more difficult parts of what it’s like to move to another country. Social media is all about sharing the exoticness of it, the perfect adventure. All of this hardship I’ve been dealing with will pass, as everything always changes whether or not you want it to. In the meantime, I do think it’s important to acknowledge it as a part of my life right now. Talking about my sadness is a helpful step in overcoming it. Not talking about it and ignoring it generally just makes it worse. So here I am, and here is the poem I wrote for myself, to share a piece of what is going on inside me lately, a bare vulnerability which I hope contributes to shining some light on the darkness. No need to worry. All emotions are fuel for growth, which I fully intend to use in recovering my zen.

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