My life as English Teacher, first part.


Hello, my fellow Steemitians!

My name is Jesus Enrique Rosal, I am very excited to write my first blog about my life and my experience as an English Teacher which has been one the most inspiring and gratifying activity that I have been doing for almost 20 years.

First of all, let me introduce myself, I was born in one of the most beautiful places in my country names Margarita Island which is known in Spanish Venezuelan slang as "La Perla del Caribe" on September 26th 1975. I brought up in a very beautiful and picturesque small town called Guanta, Anzoategui State where I spent my whole childhood till I grew up. As soon as I finished my senior studies, I enrolled at the Engineering School, even though It was not what I had dreamed of my future. So, I made up my mind, I changed faculty and I got my College English Teaching Degree at U.D.O (Universidad de Oriente) Cumana city, Sucre State that It is located in the northeast of Venezuela, I really learned a lot there not only being a teacher but also to know what I was born for.

As you can see in the picture above, The English teaching faculty is the one next to the lake, It is a very beautiful place where you can enjoy the nice and fresh sea breeze and very bright sunny days almost the 365 days of the year. I actually felt as if It were my home most the time I stayed in that school the whole day, sitting on the floor, chatting with my close classmates when we were free from those demanding and exhausting classes. Nonetheless, everything was not as fantastic as I had wished. My father crashed his car against the defense of the road and died a year after I began my career, It was difficult at the beginning, I almost gave up my dream, my mother had to take over the whole responsibilities of three children and the complete rein of the house, it was tougher for her, she did not even have the support of any relatives, I really appreciated how hardworking my beloved mother has been. My father was very stubborn, demanding, He sometimes used to be kind with my sisters, He was not the same with me though. We did not get on very well each other, I tried to draw his attention to my good grades and behaving myself properly, I helped my mom with the household chores, looked after my two youngest sister, Elizabeth who is 3 years younger than me and Milagros, 11 years younger than me, they were my first students, I usually taught them how to get dressed, comb their hairs, some important things that my mother could not because of her hectic working schedule, so I usually had everything tidied up before my father arrived home, even though he disliked me to do such things, he would have preferred another kind of son, someone who took after him, I mean someone into Girls and sports, He wanted me to be such a taugh guy, he always told me when He was 15 years old, he already got his first son, a brother I have just seen twice in my whole life, well I could be what he really wished for, therefore I felt fustrated, with low self-esteem, I wished I could be someone else different, I wanted to be free, come my dreams true. This issue was the main reason I wanted to study in another city and start over new, out of my father's control, I mean being myself.
In fact, his death was a very shocking moment, I indeed looked up to him, in spite of my not being the apple of my father's eyes. However, I had the sensation of freedom I had never experienced before, so I started to dress differently as I used to, I also took up the gym and partied a lot at the discos. Hence, I very nearly lost the right track of my goals to get my degree, my mother usually gave me a good talking-to when I got back home on weekend after spending the weekdays at the university, I did not pay attention to her scoldings though. My revolted behavior drove her crazy, I did not feel like studying as she expected me to do, although I did not get bad grades in all my academic subjects. One day, when I began my first English teaching practices in a modest and small high school, I felt extremely nervous, I actually wanted to do my best to get a good grade in this final step of my career. As soon as I got into the classroom for the first time and the students called me Teacher out loud, it was something amazing I felt in love for those little, lovely and naughty kids, I do not remember exactly, I think it was 8th grade, my first group, I learned a lot indeed the whole two months of this training.

As a result of that, I have come to realize that I really wanted to settle down in my future profession, I acknowledged how important we really are (Teachers), our creativity, dedication, and passion. For every child in the classroom that says " I can't", "It is very difficult", "I am not intelligent enough", " I do not understand". It is in this moment when one of us says "Of course, YOU CAN". We are leaders in our classrooms, for every child who needs basic skills, knowledge, someone to believe in them and love, there is a teacher who will do whatever it is necessary to encourage, motivate, challenge, inspire and inculcate a love for a learning, we have got to work hard for building a better future for all of them, even when they seem like they are not paying attention to us or they do not get interested in what lesson is being taught, show them the potential for greatness he or she has within, some students need more help than others, for that reason we should avoid threatening those pupils with learnig difficulties, kindness is the main rule in class, we must know that a pupil can achieve when they feel more secure inside. When he learns, loves and believes in himself, you will have achieved your Goal. I enjoyed a lot my first encounter with the experience of being a Teacher, it was incredible, I fulfilled with all the tacks and requirements and I got good grades (10 points) which means the high on the grading scale at the University. In 2001, I received my degree as An Teacher, it has been one of the most important day in my life, I will never forget it.

I will continue writing about my development as a Teacher and how my love for my career has carried on growing in heart.


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