I'm a Producer, and I'm completely blown away by this.


It's just so rare to come across something so innovative and potentially lucrative as this site.

I've been a producer and manager in the entertainment industry for the last 10 years, and the biggest question has always been how to turn quality content into actual dollars. Specifically, "How do you make clicks and likes and shares and tweets into real dollars?"

Seems like the answer is finally here.

It's just so incredible for actual content creators, artists of all kinds, to be rewarded with actual value for the work that they're doing. I immediately contacted my clients and encouraged them to dive into SteemIt. Between us, we've made webseries and feature films, music videos and spec commercials, novels and screenplays... the bulk of which have never had an outlet for actual exposure with an active community and even less chance of being valued for the hard work and extreme amount of time it takes to produce.

As a producer for hire, my job usually consists of an artist (usually a director or a writer) coming to me with a script they've labored over for years, something they've poured their heart and soul into, and every dollar they could scrounge up. I'm asked to help them squeeze every penny out of that amount, from hiring the crew and renting the equipment to finding the locations and making sure there is always enough food and toilet paper on set. It's grueling and rewarding and horrible and the most fun I've ever had at a job.

But then what happens? 2 months of pre-production, a month to shoot and at least 6 months of post production yields the completed work that has to compete with thousands of movies worldwide and a billion dollar studio system that couldn't pay attention to the indies, if they wanted to. The project gets made, and then goes nowhere. Usually, it just goes up on YouTube, and is never seen again.

You try, though. You submit to festivals, and create a Facebook page. You buy GoogleAds and Tweet every day. But in the end, there is so little chance for actual monetary compensation that it might as well be zero.

And then there's this.

This amazing site. This diverse and engaged community. Storytellers and activists. Cooks and painters and filmmakers and developers.

The first night I was aware of the site, I didn't sleep. I dreamt and planned and giggled and researched. I believe in what this community can be, and after a summer long slump of movies pushing to later dates, and clients getting passed over for jobs, I'm energized in a way I haven't been in a long time.

So, this is my way of introducing myself. I'm Bernie, and I'm excited to share with you the things that I've been working on and with over the last few years. So much to come.

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