Hello friends of steemit !!! My name is jose ignacio !! I'm Venezuelan and I want to meet them !!!

Hello friends of steemit !! My name is José Ignacio Fonseca !, I am 24 years old and I would like to make friends like you here !, I will tell you, a few things about me to know a little better in this first publication; I was born on October 15, 1992 in the great city of Valencia belonging to the Carabobo state of VENEZUELA, that is how I am, I am proudly Venezuelan, I love with every part, fiber and essence of my being my family which is composed by my dad, And my brother ... my father comes from a state called from this country, he is a hardworking, honest man, an example of righteousness, patience, serenity and tranquility, I love him with all my strength and he is the person I most admire. But I do not say it very often, I'm sure of what you know, lol. My mother, on the other hand, is from Carabobo in the same state in which I was born. My mother is a super-loving, understanding, and loving person. Is the person who loves me the most on this planet, I am sure no one can ever match the love she keeps for my brother or me; In the same way we love her with all our strength and she will never love someone like her especially my master ... my brother is younger than me and I admire a lot, he wants to be a doctor as maybe I will mar the future lol I am his exemplary version Of What he wants to be and that is for me a huge weight ... since my brother came to my life I knew what it is to be 100% happy, I love him even more than myself and for whom I do with much enthusiasm every Work from my day to day


At the age of 6 years I started sports life in soccer grass in one of the largest companies in Venezuela, I stood up to 14 years as a striker and I attended 4 state and 1 Pan American in which I accidentally dislocate my finger Thumb of the right hand which when it improved never returned to the base joint and there was something "elastic" in my hand lol ... I was the head representative in all the above mentioned competitions and I was even invited to a second Pan American I could not go For not having At that moment passport (or perhaps for fear of dislocating the other thumb hahaha) ... I lived a very nice experience in that sport but it was not until the age of 14 that I quit football and started to excel in another discipline called baseball , Sport which in my country is very well known ... I played baseball from the 14 to the 17 in a field of the umbrellas of the stars of Houston in the municipality Guacara of the state carabobo, was central and central beats, was real Good but somehow undisciplined in practices lol at the age of 17 years in an assessment of the academy I was determined an injury a level of the right shoulder the quality ended up finishing my tray in the professional professional ... it was up to a pair of Years after I was diagnosed for pain on the other shoulder that were both shoulders I had damaged and not just one lol even I sometimes hurt at night.It was really good but something undisciplined in practices lol at the age of 17 years In an evaluation of the academy I was determined an injury a level of the right shoulder which ended up finishing my tray in professional baseball ... it was until a couple of years After I was diagnosed by pain in the other shoulder that were the two Shoulders that I had damaged and not just one lol they still hurt me with the night. I was really good but somewhat undisciplined in practices lol at the age of 17 years in an evaluation of l The academy determined an injury to my right shoulder level which ended up finishing my tray in professional baseball ... it was until a couple of years after I was diagnosed for pain on the other shoulder that it was both shoulders that I had damaged And not one lol, they still hurt me at night.
At the same time, she carried out these sports activities. From the first level to the fifth year of high school in the same school in the municipality, she called the virgin mary college, in the same room with the same students of the bachelors degree class with the same classmates who started the first Level, which today for my son as my family for me, helped me to forge an incredible person as a result of so many experiences lived with each and every one of them; Although the vast majority now live far away from the country, or do not see them frequently because they have families or any other reason, they are still very important to me and I carry in a very nice corner of my heart.
Graduated as a bachelors degree and nursing studies at the University of Carabobo, the second best university in the country; These nursing studies culminate them successfully in 2013 and a specialization, a position in occupational health, which make me an occupational nurse which is the work with the company since the date of uninterrupted fashion
For the year 2015 in studies of the light in the medical race, studies which at present I still maintain and course 3rd year of medicine already very close to happening to the 4th year of medicine; It was always my central passion to be a doctor studying to help people heal and it is a pleasure for me to fulfill my dreams of studies in the race ... study at the university Rómulo gallegos of the city of san juan de los morros, in Where I live with 4 friends from different parts of the country in which they became my brothers, I really love them and I thank them for the many teachings and recordings they have given me about values ​​such as solidarity, friendship, friendship ... to these little angels who God put me on the Road I present them in a photo below in the square the central hull of the city


But not everything has been study and work in the life of José Ignacio, we also have fun lol since the age of 12 began a passion for professional writing and for that I compose songs, write novels, prose, verses ... There was not until I was 15 years old that my first band would have and from now on I will go through 4 more bands ... I am currently doing a solo project which promises even videos within the production, but it will be a theme for Interest for another Post hahaha ... recently started an interest in writing and literary professional life a level of novels and participated in 4 events within which the best I was left of 9no but let !! Haha competed against pure professionals so basically that 9th for me was a first place lol ...


He fell in love a couple of times, the extremely special, inspiring, incredibly beautiful women of the girls learned a lot and also helped to forge part of that character that spoke in one of the first paragraphs .... The first person of the That I fell in love in a relationship with her 2 years and the second of 5 years ... there was one better than another .... Both are incredible in their own way and I thank the women of the greatest lessons of my life which I am enthusiastic to know a young age and always extract the positive to any situation
I love reading, I really like books of mythology and personal growth, candy and fast food lol watching movies and if .. even do sports lol ... I'm very introverted but still very friendly, I find it cool to meet enterprising people with Progressive ideal of progress on the road, people from whom you may learn some things
To close, last but not least we talked about my friends whom we do not know at work or studying ... and it is those friends who know on the streets as anyone ... I found the diversity of people who today are also part Of my family, and although they are all immensely different from the profession to the color of the skin are people who have taught me that there is no other type of discrimination between humans and likewise values ​​such as happiness, friendship should To be our daily bread ... the prisoners are seen in the following photo


I hope it was a ray of sunshine in my introductory post, I promise to bring very interesting topics soon and to go through the publications of all who communicate through this medium ... a huge hug to all

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