Hello dear Steemians!

First of all, let me re-introduce myself. I'm not a new user to Steemit but a minnow with a hard earned reputation score of 47 when my account @joville was hacked & stolen a week ago!

3 days after I did the "account recovery process request" and still no response from steemit support, I decided to make a new one using my nickname and familyname.


I blogged about my travels in my home country, the Philippines, my first solo #travel experience in some countries here in Europe, #Photography, & sometimes about my Paintings, #Art, #Blockchain and Crypto related news.




Phishing Site!

It all started when I click the link from a comment by @mrbloom who was first hacked before me. I don't check the box for "keep me logged-in" so when Steemit asked me to log in, I typed my password, it says password incorrect. I found out that it was a 3rd party website that looks similar to steemit through other Steemians who experienced the same. After a few minutes, my profile picture is gone and my hard earned 47 reputation is down to -1 because the hackers were using my account to spam others with their phishing site.

That moment when you can see your account back to its hard earned rep. and your balance still intact in your wallet BUT you have no control! It's devastating.

The hacker was not able to withraw anything because all my Steem was Power-up! So now it look likes it's abandoned.

Thanks to @guiltyparties for trying to help me. I was very happy and enlightened when I find out that I can still gain back my 47 reputation from -1 through your help but it was flagged again.

Lesson Learned

Think not just twice but thrice before clicking unfamiliar or malicious link/sites! Better be safe than sorry.

ONLY use POSTING key to post and comment to prevent the hackers to steal your account.

Keep your ACTIVE and OWNER keys safe at all time and consider it your bank account password.

Starting All Over Again With A Grateful Heart

The moment I found out that my account was taken away from me and nothing else I can do about it anymore, Honestly I felt so down and I feel like I died inside because Steemit has been a part of my daily life. After running my errands, work, etc., If I'm not writing for my next post, I'm either reading some awesome and inspiring blogs or hanging around the discord. I also find myself no longer that active or attached to my other social medias like my Instagram and Facebook.

I never knew anyone when I started with Steemit 6 months ago. I also introduce steemit to my friends but after a week they just gave up due to their very busy life and lack of time for it. After a few weeks and months, I started to know more awesome and inspiring people whom I share the same interests, who you can ask questions and help you without asking something in return. Genuine people.

I am very thankful & grateful to the following Steemians

To the #steemitfamilyph specially @febbiefull who message me directly few minutes after I found out I was hacked. She informed me that my account was spamming other users on the comments and ask me if I was hacked just incase I didn't know yet.

To #steemph @dandalion @yehey @minatubo who also showed their moral support and tried to help me.

That's what make Steemit more awesome, because of the helpful & inspiring Steemians that you met along the way and inspire you to grow in this promising platform!.

Spreading Awareness: Some Hacker Tactics On Steemit & How To Avoid Being A Victim


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