Hello Steemit World

Hello all, Justtryme90 here. I saw this posted in an article on Reddit about how reddit is now employing cookies to track my business online in a way similar to facebook. A poster in the discussion there mentioned there was a blockchain based social media site (this one!) that people were starting up. I have been involved in the crypto scene since just after the 2014 BTC crash, I played around and mined some Dogecoin at that time (thought the meme was funny). Over the years I have become more and more attached to the privacy that crypto affords us financially (not anonymity but privacy), and I really like the idea of a social media news site like Reddit which is driven by privacy minded blockchain tech. Looking forward to seeing this one grow!

Very brief description of my self. PhD level scientist, working for a Boston based biotech company. I specialize in characterizing the kinetics of enzymes involved in DNA replication and related processes. Love my job, and the daily challenges it provides me. In addition to science and crypto related endevors, I also enjoy guitar, drums, cooking and gardening (nothing better than growing your own plants and using them to make kickass food).

Anyway, looking forward to being a part of the community here! Hope to help grow this into the next huge media site!


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