Hi, I’m Justyna, Passionate About Photography, Excited About Steemit!

Hi everyone!

A little bit about me…

I’m quite new to Steemit and as much as I don’t like talking too much about myself – I’m an introvert –however I’ve been impressed by the community atmosphere here and the willingness of people to offer advice. I feel comfortable and excited enough to introduce myself briefly and start being a part of this new community.

My name is Justyna, I’m Polish. I moved to England five years ago after borrowing money from my friend for one way ticket. Back in Poland I studied English then Russian philology. In the UK I started working as an Au Pair to move my way up gradually. Now I’m a Polish Russian speaking Data Analyst as a day job.

My true passion is photography through which I can express myself. I'm self taught and still learning with every picture I take. Photography is for me capturing a moment, subject and emotions, memory that I can get back to anytime I want …apart from that I like travelling, learning new languages – currently learning Bulgarian. Apart from that I love eating food (counts as hobby right?) :) 

Me by me

Behind the scenes for ‘Balloons’ photoshoot

How it all started…

I was always a creative type. First I was wowed by photography when met my relative from England who is a self-taught professional photographer. I was teenager back then and I was put under a spell by his DSLR camera. Long story short I couldn’t even afford such camera. Dream came true when I opened my birthday present 5 years ago given by people I was working as an Au pair for…

Meet Mr. N. or as I like to call him ‘son’. Nikon D90 is the man behind my pictures, we travel places, see people – we’re a team. He even posed for a quick snap once:

Mr N.

What is photography to me?

For the time being it’s a hobby, but I it’s a thing that makes me lose myself, it’s how I unleash my creativity. While I’m at it, time and reality does not exist…it helps me disconnect and to stay sane. First of all and last it simply makes me happy!

Steemit adventure

I’ve found out about Steemit from my friend @wingz. It was after I invited him for photoshoot for a photography competition I’m taking part in.

He thought my idea for the pictures was hilarious, but that he’d only agree under one condition – I needed to check out Steemit, so I did!

He encouraged me and said I could use Steemit as a way to push my ideas for photography to the next level and spur on creative ideas. Also I could learn and share ideas with other photographers and become better. I hope I can share some of my passion for photography with you and my thoughts behind why and how I took the photos. You guys are definitely in for a treat to see how the pictures turned out after that shoot. I’m extremely happy with the outcome and cannot wait to show you.

I’m excited about my Steemit experience and be part of something that has the potential to revolutionise the digital world.

I think it will motivate me to grab my camera more often and grow as a photographer, I’m making baby steps in blogging too as I’m typing this.

Enough of me talking, scroll down and let me know what you think.

Pensioner, Old Town, Warsaw

Krosniewice, Poland

‘99% of people will not notice this’, Shoreditch, London

Summer smoothie, styling and smoothie strictly by me

Matilda, cake and its name invented by me and my friend

No trousers tube ride, London 2015

Krosniewice, Poland, my hometown

My social media channels:

  • https://www.facebook.com/JustynaSzadkowskaArt/
  • https://www.instagram.com/justy_szadkowska/

Thanks for popping by.

Welcome to my world where actions speak louder than words. Hope you’ll enjoy.



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