How I Overcame the Depression & Now Travel the World as a Digital Nomad

I'm really excited to be here! My friend Brie (@awakealiveaware) told me all about Steemit.

So who the hell am I?


I'm Kelly Hanner a chick from the Midwest (Ohio to be exact) who was fucking lost a good majority of my life. Being raised in a racist, homophobic, right wing, bible thumping household where negativity was at every corner led me to be a really hurt & depressed person.


That self hatred spiraled into anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating, smoking pot to fit in, drinking to make me more socialable, depression, extreme social anxiety & shyness, a habit of snorting Ritalin (because I liked the smell errr... because I would do anything to not feel), acting out, & having no fucking clue what I wanted to do a living, on the Van Wilder college plan. Zero self love. Driving my car into a tree is something I thought about a few times.

Flash forward to now. I'm a 30 year old self made entrepreneur, who's built a 6-figure income online by getting healthy- mind, body, & soul.

I found a new zest for life by diving into the world of personal development. I started flipping the script on the negative ass self talk that coursed through my head everyday for 24 years. While doing so, I documented most of my journey on FB (FB link in my bio) & Instagram (, and have built a hell of a following for being raw, real, a bit controversial, and sharing all the nitty gritty about pulling back all the layers of negative conditioned bullshit I learned from my family, social sphere, and the media.

Throughout this evolution I dropped out of college to start my own business online, got out of an almost 9 year relationship, got the hell out of Ohio & moved down to Florida (my first move ever in my life, and over 1,270 miles from home) where I lived on my own, enjoyed the single life, got into incredible shape, and became absolutely in love with life.

After my lease was up, I got rid of most my shit, became a minimalist and started a year and a half journey of traveling all over the world. I adventured, discovered myself, broke down social constructs, saw some crazy shit, developed a healthy relationship with plant medicine, manifested my boyfriend, and developed a lust for seeing the world through other cultures eyes.

As a digital nomad thanks to my freedom over my time, finances, and entire life, I've traveled all over the world including living in Hawaii for 3 months, Thailand, India, Nepal, Mexico, and Ecuador. This world of ours is an incredible place to see.


Now that I am "settling down" (as much as you possibly can settle down an Aquarius) in California with my boyfriend Max (a former grower) for awhile while we debut a new item for the weed trimming industry, I'll be documenting all the crazy adventures from my travels, sharing how plant medicine has helped and continues to help me, taking my yoga practice & fitness seriously, sharing how to become more confident, the multiple ways one can build income online, and also how I'm detoxing my body after all of my travels while also sharing how to remove parasites, heavy metals, and such.

I'll be traveling here and there, but I won't be living out of a backpack anymore.


Next trip is Bali. =D

I am so grateful for this life, because there was certainly a time where I imagined I wouldn't live let alone ever be happy. I want to share all of how I became who I am today with you.

So for the mean time, please follow me on FB & IG. If you ask to be my friend on FB message me to let me know you're from Steemit! I'll be launching a blog soon, but I plan on sharing a hell of a lot more content here on a Steemit.

I'd love to know what you'd like for me to share...

Overcoming self hatred
Going after your dreams
How to use plant medicine or what plant medicines I've used
Detox methods
Workout/health advice
Travel tips

Please introduce yourself to me!

Thanks for checking me out, welcome to my page.

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