Hello Steemians! Here's my introduction. Enjoy.

They say your first post should be an introduction but I've always been bad at describing myself so I posted some songs and a story before writing this. Nevertheless, I thought I would give it a try. I should start out by explaining my login name ken-and-jane. I am Ken, which is good, and Jane is my guitar, which is better. She is an Epiphone built acoustic guitar based on a Dave Navarro design. She is beautiful, as you can see in the picture.

I started to truly dedicate myself to learning guitar a few years ago and while I am not that good, I can accompany my singing and write some interesting songs. Well, I think they are interesting, beauty is in the ear of the listener. Anyway, let this be a lesson to all that an old dog can learn new tricks if he/she is willing to let go and let God.

I am an adult, which is also good, and I have two adult children, even better. They are both married and my son & his wife made me a Grandpa when they adopted three wonderful, beautiful children whom I love very much. They inspire me to do more and more in life.

I live in Arizona, one of the United States of America but I was born and raised in California, unfortunately, not close to the ocean.

Yo he tenido la suerte de poder estudiar espanol en la universidad y tambien en Guatemala la Republica Dominicana, asi que voy a cantar algunas canciones y escribir algunos cuentos en espanol. Y si ustedes son hispanohablantes, pues cominquense conmigo sin preocupacion.

My music is primarily based on folk/country rhythms and chord progressions but a lot of what I've seen and heard on Steemit, inspires me to expand my art, combining a variety of skills.

By the way, I talk a good game but I am under no illusions that I am good at any of these things - song writing, singing, playing guitar, or writing - but this community gives me a place where I can try new things and send them out to the world.

Please leave feedback on any of my posts, I think you get more Steem and I want to hear what you have to say.

Thank you in advance.

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