All About KidSysco's Art Blog

Greetings Earthlings,

My name is Ryan Segura (KidSysco). I am 40 years old and I am a software developer by trade. By night, I am an enthusiast of art, music, writing, animation, photography, gaming, cooking, swimming and fishing.

KidSysco Fishing - It's not the biggest prize catch but it was still fun!

I attended Teikyo Marycrest University which is now defunct but while there, I majored in Multi Media with Emphasis in Computer Graphics and I minored in Music.

To me, the computer is like a paint brush and there is no way that I can get by with only one. I use Windows, I love my Mac, and I use Linux too. That's right, all 3 major platforms are used in my Art regularly.


Later on while working for the US Army, I attained a Master's Degree in Leadership. This is where I learned to express myself better using written words. Put this all together and I tend to feel that Steemit is the perfect platform for my agenda.

I don't plan to make much money from Steemit, that is not really why I am here. I am more interested in starting a Blog, having fun writing and providing my Art online. So I will be in this for the long haul, I am not planning to cash out anytime soon nor am I quitting my job to become funded by Steemit. I actually enjoy my job as a Computer Programmer working for someone who has been one of my best friends for the past 17 years.

Most of what I will publish on Steemit has never been published before. I plan to release at least 2 or 3 full length albums of original music and there will be no other official place to get this stuff, other than Steemit.

On top of everything I do at home and at work, I also co-own/co-operate a small start up game development company called, The Evil Bit. I will probably do several press releases here about that in the near future too.

I hope everyone enjoys KidSysco's Art Blog.

Thanks for reading!

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