Been here since 2016-05-18 but now is a right moment for a proper introduction

When ive joined STEEM not long after its launch there were here mostly cryptocurrency lovers and mostly from #Bitshares community.

Introduction of myself wasnt needed since i knew most users and most users recognized me in some way.

In crypto-world im going by this nick since 2013 ? Maybe earlier. Im an Hero Member of Bitcointalk, Mod of forum and a blogger @ Financial Underground KIngdom . You could also see me on Reddit, Twitter and loads of other crypto-oriented places.

I was seeing we have here bloggers joining and many people who probably never used bitcoin or other currencies of this type.

It was looking amazing to me but i didnt understand the impact and how many people this already are.

So one day, im coming to Steem.Chat and get a welcome message:

I assume this means - nobody knows me anymore on Steemit which means - STEEM is a success. Went from crypto-community into a really big sea.

To be clear - i dont mean everybody in crypto world knows me, but i went from knowing 90% of users to knowing 9% pretty fast :)

So to entertain both people who dont know kingscrown and those who do..

7 facts about me which will also let you understand what topics i may be posting into and see if we have some common interests!

1 I have been to many places

I hit few countries a year, been into most of EU, parts of Asia (ie Japan, Singapore, Bangkok..) or even Australia. Never been to USA so far. Motivate me!

2 Craft Beer <3

You dont like beer? Well this means you never tasted real one. Craft beers have really different tasted between each other. You can get a beer that tastes grapefruit, pineapple or even.. salt. This is world of new tastes. Try it!

3 I drink few coffees a day

Coffee is one of best things you can try in life - drink wise. Do not go to Starbucks or or add sugar. Get some decent beans and try the real taste and kicks of caffeine. I love mornings when i just sit and sip my perfect coffee. MY fav "daily" is Brasil Yellow Bourbon but i do have stash of Kopi Luwak at home )which actually should be called just Luwak, as Kopi means COffee).

4 Complex movies

While i like stupid movies the top of my list are mostly complex ones. Check those if you never had opportunity (random order) Donnie Darko, Dark City, Stranger Than Fiction, Tideland.

5 TV Shows

Long ago (maybe 15+?) i have noticed TV shows are starting to be better than actual movies. I watch loads of them - mostly in background when im working - so i will just mention current ones: Stranger Things, Ballers, Mr Robot.

6 Hiphop Lover

Im into hiphop since 20 years now, i used to be type of guy who listens to just 1 genre and thinks all others suck. And it took me many many ages to get open for any types of music. Now i can jump between rap/electro/house/rock one by one and feel good. I do love rap still but cant follow whats going on in the genre anymore - there is too much of it.
I still love all old tracks and groups i used to listen Mobb Deep, Gangstarr and such.

7 I make typos and i dont check grammar

I have no problems with grammar or with eyes but when i type i dont like to re-read it. It may sound strange but even tho i sit on computer currently 24/7 i like to still feel the oldschool and do "real life chatting" when you cannot remove words. I also "click" a lot of enters on chat which some people dont like.

Hope you enjoyed this and consider following @kingscrown mostly for cryptocurrency news but also incoming coffee, beer and film posts!

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