About King Syrus


My name is Walter from Nigeria. I was born and raised in Nigeria. I've spent all my life in Nigeria but when I have the opportunity I'll like to visit other countries of the world for exposure. I love my country, Nigeria and I also love being an African. The reason is that as an African I came to terms with the fact that life isn't a bed of roses since childhood. And as a young boy growing up in Africa I discovered that life will never give me what I wish for but what I demand and work for. So I'm always open to innovations and new opportunities in life. Life has taught me that success isn't a product of wishful thinking and too much hard work, but a product of working smart, persistence, belief, and having positive mental attitude. I'm always of the opinion that mental exertion is more profitable than physical exertion. And i've always had that consciousness ingrained in my subconscious and that has made me a better person.
Africans are generally very strong-willed, hardworking, and happy people. We're always very optimistic about life, that's why we don't easily give up on life whenever we're faced with life threatening challenges. And that attitude has helped us to produce great men and women all over the world. Nigeria is a country in West Africa with 36 States and Abuja as it's capital. It is a very wonderful country, blessed with great human and natural resources (like crude oil, iron ore, tin etc) , fertile land and some great leaders like Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, Amadu Bello, chief Obafemi Owolowo , etc. Each of these leaders have contributed their quota to our development as a country and as a people we're very proud to have them in our history. I'm from the southern part of Nigeria. My dad is from Akwa Ibom and my mom from Edo state. I love both state but Akwa Ibom is where I grew up. I've done virtually everything in Akwa Ibom, right from growing up to my education. I'm from a very large family of 9 children (6 boys and 3 girls). My growing up was very fun cos I had many wonderful siblings to gist and play with. So we never had the need of going out to play cos the house was large enough . My parent were always strict and accommodating at the same time. That made my childhood tough and fun as well. I finished my secondary school education in 2009 and got admission to study Agricultural Economics in 2011. Currently I'm a graduate of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Uyo.
My hobbies are listening to music, watching and playing football, and reading. My favourite football club is Manchester United of England and my favourite footballer is Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal. I also have sympathy for Real Madrid fc of Spain.
I was introduced to this forum by a friend, @classic717. When he told me about the forum, it's modus operandi and it's benefits I became so fascinated that I had to do my background check. After my research I saw that this forum is genuine and that it's reward is real. That made it easy for me to register to the forum. I'm very happy to be given the opportunity to become a member of this great forum and I also appreciate the founders. They're real heroes. I wanna use this opportunity to pledge my unalloyed support to this forum. I'll try my best to contribute my quota to its growth and expansion. Once again. I'm grateful.

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