My Friends call me Kubby

I started my jounrey here a month ago and 100 followers later I knew it was time.. After dating this site for about a month I knew we had to have the talk, The Define the Relationship kind of talk...

I came to this website through a mutual friend that made fun of the amount of time I spent on facebook. I thought the content I re-shared was great and hilarious. Not amused, he mentioned this site a few times. Curious the 2nd time he mentioned this website, I checked out his blog and signed up a few days later. I couldn't believe Steemit made me wait 3 long days. I have been hooked ever since. I haven't told this friend yet about me sighning up. I am waiting to see how long I can go without him noticing. My security identity inspired the creation of my name.


Kubby was born while my best friend and I were playing some game that starts with an "R" and rhythms with Kubby. I can't remember right now, but I couldn't beat her regardless of how I changed the rules. I mentioned to her while we were playing, I never had a nickname. Ever since that day, she only introduces me as Kubby. ♥.•:¨¨:•.♥.•::•.♥.•:¨¨*:•.♥♥.•:¨¨:•:¨¨*:•.♥

Elizabeth is my 2nd favorite name and I still believe my parents should have given it to me. Since everyone in my fathers family (all ten of his sibling) have 2nd first names. I do not understand how all my sibling and I have the exact same middle name. We took my mothers name. Moving on....

I never thought I had much to say or write about until I started... Being slightly dyslexic created a fear of writing and an admiration to those that can clearly express themselves in this art form. Ironically, I love to public speak, and that is how I survived my business classes. Since joining I have fallen in love with you! I love the challenge of living each day and creating a story out of it. The only negative experience I have had with steemit was when I was flagged for not properly sourcing one of the pictures. Let's just say lesson learned. Other than that, I don't have much depth about anything just enough to cover a wide range of shallow waters. My topics will be random.

I am on a mission to win one of these contest

Words of affirmation is one of my love languages so comment please!
Gifts is technically my top love language, so make sure to upvote with lots of that power :)

I find my head in the clouds these days, but some of my Interests are as follows.
Exercise, Jesus, Saving Money, Investing Money, Love, Photography, Wisdom and Passion. Doctorcrypto.gif

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