Hello steemit - Introducing Tamar&Netanel !

Hi everyone,
It is so existing to be a part of this amazing community!

We are Tamar&Netanel, A musical duo and also husband and wife, who write and compose folk music.
We are 27 years old and both grew up in Jerusalem most of our lives, we absolutely love the holy city, and we hope to stay here for many years.


Our story together began While Tamar was in the midst of promoting her debut album, and I (Netanel) was composing music (but only to myself) and dreaming of a music career which at the time seemed to be only a dream...

In may 2013, my friend Gabriel, who has a great teashop in the center of Jerusalem, (it's called Halitatea, you shuld check it out if you're in jerusalem) called me and told me that "there is this amazing girl who writes great folk music, and she's coming to perform here tomorrow, you should come."

the teashop

I came to watch the show, and the moment I heard Tamar play a john Denver song during the soundcheck I knew that I have to meet her. we both felt an immediate connection which naturally led to forming the duo and then marriage.

You can see more about us here:

In april 2015 we realesed our first album called "Peace Of Mind". The album, which was marketed independently, sold almost 1500 phisical copies so far. we are very grateful for that.
Today we perform a lot, across the country mostly (we did a short tour in the US in October 2015, loved it) and now we are working on our second album that we hope to release in the coming months.


We also do busking (street performances) near the old city. It's a great way to reach a new audience and to earn a little money in the process (much like in here :) )

Steemit is an amazing community, and we joined it because we want to share with you our music and our stories about being independent musicians.

We also write random but interesting short facts about life (because you need something to read when you're going to the bathroom) - called "That's intresting".

You are welcome to join us on our musical journy!

With love,

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