I'm Abdulrahman ... i've been dormant for 7 years

Hey my name is Abdulrahman I'm 24 and I live in Ireland.

I used to have a blog somewhere on the internet 7 years ago and I was really in love with it. I would come back everyday from school excited to write something new on my blog and connect with other bloggers. Google Reader (RSS/Atom feed reader) was my favourite place to browse all their latests posts.

However, life has happened ... I stopped writing and forgot my little blog.

Finding Steemit gave me a nostalgic feeling. There is something beautiful about creating contents for quality oriented people. I'm truly excited to be part of this platform and hope to be posting regularly.

Me Briefly:

  • Student Doctor: I used to have a passion for programming and ended up somehow studying medicine and I love it!

  • Language Enthusiast: although I left my programming dreams I still enjoy learning spoken languages:
    - Arabic [native], English [2nd language], French [intermediate], Malay [beginner], Spanish [beginner])

  • Currently interested in:
    - True ways of healing and preventing diseases (alternative medicine)
    - Learning about our world, reality and the creator
    - Cryptocurrency and trading
    - Psychology: MBTI, socionics and psychological analyses.

Nice to meet you all

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