His Name, Is Robert Paulson

Oh wait, sorry, wrong group… it’s actually Ryan and I’m posting this from somewhere in the middle of the Southern Ocean to let you know I’m pretty pumped to explore and contribute to Steemit.


In a time where the global conversation is turning to loss of jobs due to AI and whether Universal Basic Income is the answer, I strongly believe that platforms like these are part of the solution. Technological advances will almost certainly reach a point when human labour is no longer valuable.

"They Took Err Jerrrrrbs!"

Though all is not lost! I can easily picture a future where most people make their income from the value of the content they create and the connections they share with others. If you spend any amount of time around a nursing home, you quickly realise that human connection is the most valuable thing on the planet.

Until that day comes… I currently get paid by working as an Engineer on an Australian Marine Research vessel. The ship is equipped with pretty state of the art equipment and world class scientists have been making vital discoveries in the field of ocean and atmospheric science, but the only things that's ever captured the interest of the public was a worm that looked like a dick… it even made it on Jimmy Kimmel!

What's it like to work at sea?


  • The crew are like family, I spend more time per year with them than anyone else (this can also be a bad thing, but on this ship they're great guys)
  • I get to see some pretty amazing things (Although the view isn't that great from the depths of the engine room)
  • Lots of time off
  • Dolla.. Dolla.. Bills


  • Loooong stints at sea. I’ve missed more than my fare share of Birthdays, Christmas’, Weddings, Funerals. I’ll also never take wide open space, sunshine and walking barefoot in the grass for granted again.
  • Somewhat dangerous. Googling “Seafarer death” brings up 686 000 results for things I would prefer not to happen to me.
  • I reallllly want a dog, but that’s not an option right now.
  • Internet speeds that make me miss being 14 years old and loading nudes in netscape line by line over a 28k modem.

What do I do when I'm not sailing the high seas, singing shanties and sharpening my cutlass?

I love to travel, and try and get at least two trips in a year. If you want to shortcut your way to more fulfilling travel: Plan Less, Pack Less, Explore more.

Also partial to a good road trip, either by car or motorcycle and try and make a point to stay off freeways and never drive the same road twice if I can avoid it (The Waze app is the absolute tits in this regard!)

A shot from my recent awesome, but crippling 3000km (1800 miles) ride from Noosa to Hobart

I’m also pretty aggressively saving and investing the aforementioned dolla dolla bills in the hope of achieving financial freedom in my mid 30s. Mostly in residential real estate but also confident my crypto portfolio will play a big part in getting where I want to be!

Though one thing I have realised recently, once the possibility of financial freedom started to feel like a real possibility, is that I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life once I get there. I’m still yet to find what really lights me up, what I would pursue if money was no object.

As a result I’ve been setting mini experiments to try and find what I love. At the moment it’s Photography. I think that all of us as humans have a deep desire to create and need an outlet for it. I’m definitely more engineer than artist, and my drawing skills look kinda like something you'd find on a cave wall… but I think that photography is the perfect blend of art and science and right now I’m loving it! So I intend to make good use of Steepshot :D

So for the next year my goals look like this:

  • Improve my photography enough to sell 1 print of a photograph I’ve taken (Mum buying one doesn’t count)
  • Do something creative every day
  • Save and invest half my income, build a war chest to pursue any business ventures I dream up.

I hope the by sharing my journey and the insights, hurdles and heartaches that happen along the way I can help any of you Steemians who are asking the same questions or looking for the same answers! I'm also sure that the wealth of knowledge put out on here will help me no end in achieving my goals.

So that's it from me for now, but expect plenty more to come!

P.S. After seeing Shawn Achor speak at a conference I'm a big believer in the power of spreading gratitude. If you want to welcome me with a comment but can’t think of anything to say: Tell me 3 things you’re grateful for today and why. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas try:

  • Something temporary (your coffee, the sunshine)
  • A person
  • An object.
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