The spanish speaking community is one of the more numerous and involved communities on Steemit and its growth has been exponential so far, especially on the last three months, this is among others, due to the support the witness @cervantes by @pgarcgo @gargon and its team has given to quality posts through its curators such as @wartrapa @don.quijote @sancho.panza @frida.kahlo @velazquez @goya and @simon.bolivar.
It doesn´t matter if you have been on steemit for a long time, if someone invited you to join, if you came by yourself or if you are new to this cripto-world and the blockchain. If you write in spanish - and even if you don´t - it is highly probable you´ve heard of @cervantes, and you might know about this community driven project, that started more than a year ago and focuses on rewarding underrated content based on certain quality parameters.
These parameters used by the curators to reward spanish written posts are not law. Steemit is a decentralized platform, anyone and everyone can publish whatever they want and the way they like it, nonetheless 99% of the spanish speaking community freely chooses to follow said parameters because they are aware of the rewards @cervantes can provide by voting on their content.
Toxic users inside the Spanish speaking community - Plagiarism and Abuse
Steemit´s user base is as diverse as any city in the real world and every person has a different degree of commitment towards the community, however, just as life itself, there is an alarming percentage of people that strives to take advantage of the system, those who seek immediate success, regardless of the damage they do to the community with their actions, new members that consider the blockchain, steemit and especially the spanish speaking community, a simple way to make easy cash without effort.
The account @lince originates as a response to the spanish speaking community accelerated growth and the proliferation of such toxic users. There are people that seek to obtain a vote from one of the @cervantes curators by publishing plagiarized content, by not citing the consulted sources o by simply compiling information and trying to pass it as their own.
Unlike the aforementioned parameters for voting posts, parameters that a user may or may not follow, the @lince team has created a series of rules that if any spanish speaking user doesn´t follow, we will actively work to prevent said user from receiving any kind of rewards.
Rules users must follow to avoid one of their posts being deemed as plagiarism or abuse
If the author publishes a post that includes someone else´s images, the post must include the word source hiperlinked directly to the website where the image comes from and such hyperlink must be located right below the image. This link must lead to the specific page, not to the general domain nor to the image file.
If the post is about drawing / painting and the author used as visual reference another image from the internet to do his/her drawing, the original image must be included right below the drawing / painting, not a link to it, but visually included, and there must be a link to the original image source.
The only acceptable way to spread information is by declining payout. By spreading information we mean copying and pasting articles from another website or someone else´s property rather than the author. If payment is not declined, include sources and link to the original content the post will be classified as plagiarism.
Stemit authors that also own a personal blog and are migrating their content from said blog to their Steemit account, must clarify on every post that such content is not steemit-original. It is mandatory to cite the blog at the end of the post and if the author is planning to migrate the whole blog he/she must verifiy the blog by including a link on the steemit profile to the blog and vice-versa. This verification must be visible on top of the Steemit account and their personal blog.
Cited or refrased information obtained from another website must be written in quotation marks or in quote mode (> in markdown) with the corresponding source right below the quote.
Paraphrasing a book or magazine article is not plagiarism per se, we will publish a post about this specific subject soon, but the Steemit author must quote the paraphrased content.
If the user shares images from Facebook or any other social media, the source (with proper links to the Facebook pages) must include the social media´s name. E.G: “[Source Facebook]( The cited page or profile must be public so anyone can access and see the original image. This rule applies to any textual content from any other social media platform as well.
In order to use the tag “photography”, the first image must be owned by the steemit author, otherwise this tag must be avoided at all costs.
Any infringement of these rules will result in your post being considered plagiarism or abuse.There is no such thing as small or big plagiarism or abuse, there is only plagiarism and abuse and, in a platform like Steemit, plagiarism is the most punished and offensive action, therefore, the users that incur in such practices will be warned and in case they relapse, there will be consequences. First @cervantes will stop suppoting their work and then @lince will start flagging their content.
This is a translation from the original post by @lince: Introduciendo el proyecto Lince and its purpose is to inform the english speaking community about our goals and actions. We will translate every informative post we make in order to keep the community up to date with the @lince (Lynx) project.
valued at 2,000 SBD!!!