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Take time to read every single photo. "A baby is never a mistake, a surprise sometimes but never a mistake!

My little angel.

February last year when I found out that I'm pregnant . i was Graduating  in high school. Im Very depressed that day and I did not know what to do . more pain I felt coz i separated with my boyfriend , I do not know whom I come how will I tell this on my parents  , until I can not monopolize so I told it to my parents. Thyre so angry but well accepted. I was 16 years old then and to make the story short

My ultra sound and it was a baby GIRL! So happy! I love you baby! 😘


Im so proud to tell the whole world that you're all mine.

34 weeks

34 weeks , a few months just to show you baby ! I'm excited and nervous at the same time . Whoo!

October 26, 2015 (Monday)
10:58 PM
6 lbs 8 oz (2.9 kg)
52 cm
40 weeks gestational age
More than 12 hours of painful labor, 1hour delivery via NSD. I was induced into labor at around 11am on October 26 (Monday) I wasn't allowed to eat nor drink anything. 1PM I was examined, still at 2cm. I started to feel pain, like of menstrual cramps. The first few hours I felt drugged. My vision was blurry and I felt dizzy so I tried to take a rest for a while after having a short walk outside the hospital. The pain was somehow tolerable so I still can manage to chit chat and smile. Hour after hour, contractions became more painful. They lasted around a minute with around 5-10 minute interval each. I was at 5cm then. It was around 6PM.
10PM, the pain was already indescribable. It felt like I was dying, and I really wanted to punch everything and everyone I see. I was literally crying, I don't know what position to do with every contraction anymore -gripping the rails of the hospital bed, leaning on the bed while rocking my hips. I was so afraid with every incoming contraction. The pain lasts for 2-5mins with a minute or two of interval (Level of pain: 10) I told my mom I can't take the pain anymore, so the nurse examine me again. I was already 8cm! It was around 10PM in the evening. They carried me onto a stretcher to the delivery room. My water bag wasn't broken yet but I was already pushing... I just want my baby out ASAP!
No more than 10 hard, long pushes and she's out! (10:58 PM 10-26-2015)
The moment I saw her, I instantly forgot how antagonizing the pain I was dealing with for hours. It's true when they say "Once you see your baby, you will forget all the pain you've been through."
"I never believed in love at first sight -not until that day. It was the worst yet the happiest day of my life." ❤️

During breast feeding room holding and feeding my child, the doctor called me and he said  you have to admit for the first week because normally the yeyellow wish body of my baby . I'm almost in tears but said the doctor just relax somewhat because sometimes just because it was the blood of the parents of children that are not compatible .  reason we can not go home . 😢

.my child stays for the hospital to cure her yellowish color of her body. I always visiting hospital time to time to check the  status. I dont know what to do so just pray for my child to get well.

 I very much hurt because I know you're having difficulty . You should not suffer like that .

 Im very much hurt because I know you're having difficulty . You should not suffer like to

t suffer like thot suffer like thaot suffer like thatot suffer like that 

Somewhat more yellowish on my baby's face. So she need to stay on the hospital

Finally were on home!

Selfie exposed because of the hospital 's baby ! 😊 Thank you Lord! 🙏

First night we sleep with . I love you baby . 😘

I love you baby😘

Morning selfie with my baby girl😻


Shes so cute here.

Celebrating her first month🎂

First smile☺

fAST FORWARD!Almost 1 month baby and that this is the photo taken the night before that he vomit blood. Dunno what happened, as we go to the doctor but no findings. Given only anti-biotic and that's it! Seems impossible to the child vomit blood for no reason? We also went to pedia but he seems ok. So I'm pretty nakampante days but after that he vomit blood has happened!Sunday that she sleep for almost 9 hours and nothing really so gisingan 12 in the midnight pinadede soybean her moment, her and slept again. There's something wrong about the time because the time he woke up yesterday for suckling eh but not now, but I did not think of what might that just because the baby consistency, so I slept well. At 3am I woke up because she was crying and quite hot, (so not that hot) so wipe wipes her suckling him and slept again. 6am the cr me and I saw him pale. I quickly called my mom and CPR being done to my baby bled from his nose we ran him in hospital, but the mother arrived at hospital he was gone. 😭💔 Dineclare their dead on arrival. I've gone to non hospital and told the doctors might masurvive been made but said they were all gone really wrist. Almost breaking my whole personality of the time I said that I would mind!😭😭🙇

I dont know what to say just teary eyes

My child is my little angel now. I love you baby you r the best gift to me from god. Wherever you now please be good. Take care of me. Happy bithday soon baby, your mom always love you..

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