The Broken Boy

Hey Steem community in this post I want to introduce myself so please bear with me. My name is Borna Jakusic I am 30 years old underpaid stuntman from Croatia who does daredevil stuff for pure pleasure and entertainment.


In my carrier I had lot of injuries and several operations, strain, sprain, torn ligaments and tendons, severe back problems, dislocated and broken bones,torn muscles .... etc. Name the injury and I will tell you how I got it and how I healed it, but unfortunately some injuries are still present and they are waiting for right doctor.

75 % of injuries come from American football and other 25 % is just pure stupidity.

Me, myself and I

Here you can see me participating in contest, water jumping:

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This was nothing serious though, just the most recent event I was a part of.

I have many huge dreams when it comes to Steemit and my work here, I'm sure my plans will attract lot of viewers on my blog :)


The most frustrating thing was finding the right diagnosis, every opinion I take is different then previous one and clockwise. Unfortunately most injuries was diagnosed by myself.

Here you can see me running under a car and letting it hit me:

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This is one of the easiest stunts you can pull and I will show you much more complicated ones.

Self-Healing My Injuries - My Experience & Disappointment In Medicine

I know how it sounds but I train whole my life and because of that I have strong muscular body so when doctors see me they just don't go
in the problem deeper because I look healthy and I always pass their exams. I remember one appointment with doctor who said that I want corticosteroids to get bigger what is pure nonsense because we all know that corticosteroids are not steroids and at that time when was charged for corticosteroids abuse I had stress fractures on both calcaneus and nobody didn't know what is wrong with me they even say in one point that I am mentally ill , I didn't know what to do with myself it took me more than 2 years to realize its a stress fracture, and cause of long time determining diagnosis stress fractures become severe.

I will point out every injury on picture below which I suffered and explain each one in every other post and i will explain in my own words their connection with posture imbalances if there is, together with tendon behavior and muscle spasm.

This is my medical card and injures are 100 % true and legitimate for most of injuries i have X-rays and MRI so i will attach them as well. In picture I will not mention nerves, muscle spasm and of course posture imbalance.


That's all from me for the start... Hopefully you liked my introduction post!


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