Introduction: Lunatic Pandora!


Hello Steemians! My name is Lunatic Pandora, I'm 22 years old and i recently joined Steemit! Like many of you guys i heard about steemit while riding the waves of cryptos, i got into bitcoin in late 2016 but i just started to do active trading a few months ago, buying and selling alt coins you know, the whole she-bang.

I'm a 22 years old guy, i'm studying software design, i mostly focused on java and android until recently but with all this crypto fever i've been getting more into python to try and understand trading bots a bit more and to try and so some data processing myself!

I will probably be posting around a lot here about cryptos, technology, anime and other nerdy stuff! I'm a huge history buff, i love geography, vexillology and interesting historical figures so you can expect to see some post about my favorite flags, countries histories among other related stuff!

I also play a lot of games so i will probably talk a bit about that too! my favorite game of all time is final fantasy viii, but you probably noticed that already if you know where my name comes from :P

Hope you like what i post in the future and if you have any questions feel free to ask them :-D

See you around!

Also i found Satoshi Nakamoto, proof here!


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