Happy Belgian Girl joining Steemit ! Let me welcome you into my life !


This post is dedicated for you all guys. Who had to support the sooooo looooong waitiiing time (12 days for me !) to be finally accepted (thanks so much @theprophet0 ) on this magical new social network! & who are also SO HAPPY TO BE HERE … like me !

A little song to show you how I feel.

(You don’t have to listen more than the 0,3’s of the song. But you can if you really really want).

And sometimes, images are better than word : the victory dance !

Victory dance

Yes. This is how I feel today !

Oh. And yes, it’s also my #introduceyourself post.

Short Bio

Hellow! It’s me and my official “Steemit First Picture”
My name is Roxane. I'm a 30 years old girl from Brussels, Belgium (even if I don’t really look like a Belgian girl – that’s because my parents doesn’t come from Belgium, but that’s another – long- story. And I will let you guess what kind of crazy mix I am).

I am married with this so sexy handsome men @oroger. He is the one who introduced me to Steemit (see how this all story started here) and who decided to “spend” some of our money on crypto-currency (while I am trying to spare all our money to retire by 35… I may be wrong. I really really need and want to learn more about crypto-currency).

What are the things I love ?

To travel.Ecosse-2017-232.jpg

Also there.
Also also there.
Oh. And even there.


I've visited, traveled in more than 50 countries in 30 years - I really love COLD countries... Even if I've spent months and months in Asia... I've started to travel (alone) at the age of 16.

To Declutter.

I also love to declutter my home (just in case we decide to travel the world and never come back again. Just preparing).

2015-06-28 01.32.30.jpg

(yes, I really need to work on myself... it is really too MUCH stuff).

Oh and I started to declutter in 2010 (it was not “fashionable” at that time to be a minimalist). I still have a lot of stuff (I really DO NOT KNOW how it’s possible). At that time I even made my first blog only to sell/give my stuff (I don’t like to throw things away).

My Bed.

I love my BED. It’s probably the only material thing I am attached to. Look how nice it is. Oh. And I’ve made this so great DIY bedhead.
Rox la limace - 1.JPG

And, apparently, I am not the only one...


I even wrote an entire blog article on my personal blog about my bed... -_-

The View from my terrace.

Glandouille à la maison - 01.jpg

Balade sur le toit - 27.jpg

To share my knowledge & inspire people.

This is one of things I love to do (everyday) : have an impact on people 's lives. I work a lot on myself to be a better person and I try as much as I can to lift up the persons around me.
In my real life, I work with teenagers and help them to raise their self-esteem & self-confidence and motivate them to undertake.

Steemit (probably very soon).

As soon as I will start to earn (and understand better) crypto-currencies by written/sharing content, I am suuure I will love it more every day ! ;-)


And finally I love Olivier (it’s important to tell, I love him since I am 13). Look how cute we are.


It’s a 17 years old picture.


Not so many changes, right ?
(Look at THE ring, THIS has changed!).

What can I offer to the Steemit Community ?

Here on Steemit, I will share post (mainly in french) about Money, Minimalism, Travel , Entrepreneurship and Love

In fact, it’s been almost one year that I’ve started a blog to talk about my journey towards financial independence. I intend to share it here also, on the Steemit Platform. I really hope you will like my posts and that it will inspire you in your daily life.

I hope to retired by 35. Still 5 years to go. And I will share with you all the journey to this goal :-)

I am happy to be a part of Steemit! And hope my posts / videos & articles will help the growth of the French speaking community on this Platform !

With love, belgian fries & beers, from Brussels,


Let’s get connected:

Contact me
Contact me: I am waiting to read from you soon !

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