This is Me Introducing Me :)

DSC_6358 Mari Cherries selfie.jpg it me you’re looking for? 🎶

Well maybe you don’t know the song or maybe you’re NOT looking for me, but I am looking for YOU and when I say you I mean money ;P just kidding, I’m not only here for that, I also want to mingle, comment, vote and write in this interesting and beautiful community.

So, my real name is Maria but I like to go by my alias Mari Cherries, I’m a woman and yes I was born one, nowadays you can’t assume people’s gender, I’m not going to say my age because as Raquel Welch once said “I don’t want to be defined by my age”, but I will say I’m a Sagittarius, although I don’t believe in the Horoscope, I like saying my Zodiac sign because it gives me a sense of belonging to something mystical, anyway, going back to Earth I was born, raised and still live in Sonora, Mexico, I haven’t travelled much but someday I hope to get to know exotic places like Richard Branson’s Necker Island.

Let’s see, what else? I finished college, got a bachelor degree in Educational Psychology, never actually used it because I realized that it wasn’t my real calling, but hey live and learn, I do like photography and actually the pictures you see on this post are all self-portraits, I also like writing and if I do well I might be able to live off of it or at least get a little bit of income and I also have dreams and aspirations BUT that’s a story for another day.

Before I go, I want to be honest with you, it took me a while to get my butt on the chair in front of the computer to write a proper introduction, why? Because I don’t feel comfortable talking about me, but I said to myself it’s time to stop procrastinating for once and just do it! And finally here I am, writing and it’s more fun than I thought it would be, so I want to do this on a (hopefully) more regular basis, so are you with me? :)

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