Very First Post and Introduction

I am helping people to save this earth.

That is a big statement, right? And so it is. But it is my desire to show up in this world - every day- and do the best I can to make sure that my grandchildren and their grandchildren still have a beautiful place to live in.

Photo on 5-26-17 at 1.26 PM #2.jpg

What does that mean? What do I do?

Wearing many hats. One of them and one I am deeply in love with is being a podcaster. My co-host Jenise and I started the Sustainable Living Podcast over 2 years ago and have had a great time podcasting.

People seem to like what we have to say as well since we have ten-thousands of downloads every month. This is us this spring, recording episode 100. It was fun!!!

Episode 100.PNG

I am also one of the Directors of the Bancroft Center for Sustainability - I will talk about the center in a new post.

My other loves are Permaculture and my garden. But the biggest love in my life is my family. So, so important.
You will hear and see a lot about them.

That said, I have no idea how this platform works and it will probably take me a while to find my way around it.

For example, I watched a video showing how to format this post. BUT I can't see any formatting tools :(

I also see videos embedded in posts and can't find where and how to do it.

Can I publish my own content I published somewhere else, i.e. Facebook or Instagram? Or does everything need to be original to this platform?

Oh, so many questions!!!

Maybe you have some answers for me?

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1 column