Who Am I?

Hey there!
I am new to Steem. It asked me to make a post introducing myself. Who ever knows how to start one of these things? LOL.
Well first off, my name is Meghan. I am 29, will be turning 30 this year. I am embracing my thirties! I am married, I live in Houston, TX, and I have three fur babies. 12654695_10205354435415386_4300320032425934768_n.jpg12670176_10205370298091943_537893523291950708_n.jpg12688250_10205392712492289_6452656338947502626_n.jpg

The first one is Lillie, then Gizmo and finally the kitty is Maisey. (Coolest cat ever.) I have no kiddos (yet!) so the fur babes are quite the spoiled animals.

I love to travel. My husband (oh yeah, I am married! ha) and I just got back from our annual anniversary trip. We went to Aruba this year. Last year, we went to London, Paris, and Rome. We travel quite often each year. So far my favorite trip we have done was our trip to Colorado last July. We biked down a mountain, went UP a mountain on the ATVs, ate lots of good food, and a ton of other fun things.

I have three college degrees. I guess I couldn't make up my mind on what I wanted to be when I grew up. I am a stay at home wife now. I have a major anxiety disorder that makes it hard some days to keep to a regular schedule. I am open and upfront about my anxiety. My hopes are that someone will see what I go through, and they will realize they are not alone.

My hobbies? I love to paint, color, EAT (hahaha), listen to music, cook, shopping, and photography. I am a gamer nerd. I don't really have a favorite video game. My husband and I play all kinds of games. We will be attending Comic Con this Saturday in Houston! I have recently gotten into eating healthier and being more aware of what I put into my body. I have been Paleo for about 3 months now. Seems like such a long time. Food is just too good.

I don't really have any other things to say about myself. I am never good with these kind of things. I am just simple me. I hope to really get into posting on here, maybe use this as my personal blog? Who knows! I hope I didn't bore you to death. Have a great weekend! Oh! Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mommas (and single dads who act as mom)!

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