[Introduction] Excited about learning something new and a little about @merej99

It's my first day on Steemit.com and I'm pretty happy about a new learning experience. Look at that! Using Markdowns already and jotting down notes like a kid with a brand new toy. Before I go exploring and see what this platform's all about, I just wanted to give a little introduction as to what kind of writing you may expect from me.

Image of Meredith & Pat
Meredith & Pat

You see, I'm a professional writer, front-end web designer, and transcriptionist by trade. But I'm somewhat middle-aged and have world's of experience, hobbies, and passions that I write about. My goal is to produce high-quality content for anyone who dares to read it.

One quote which has always stuck in my head:

"Write hard and clear about what hurts."
Ernest Hemingway

Indeed, the older I've gotten, the smaller my personal filter has become. The bottom line is that people relate to people. In a writing forum, we make connections through our words. I am no longer a shy, scared kid. I'll write about anything of interest or personal meaning to me. I live and share my reality, but I do so love fiction too.

Subjects of Interest

Ah yes, they are broad and far-reaching. I love tech stuff, space exploration, news. I'm also budget-conscious, love cooking and baking, and have pets. I am fascinated with psychology and mindset. As a woman who was assessed with Asperger's as an adult, I have a ton of coping mechanisms that I share with people all the time. Because of my ability to compartmentalize, I've often been told that I have an amazing knack to be objective. Even in my own life story.

On the more macabre side, I was formerly the obituary department manager for a local daily newspaper; a professional singer (so I've probably been to more funerals than most people, and I struggle with the death of my father every day. COPING - yeah... It's what I'm good at.

I am also a creative writer. I weave stories of romance and horror - sometimes they are the same story.
But I digress, writing is an essential part of my life and I want to thank you for taking time to read a little bit about me.

I'm pretty active on SnapChat, Twitter and Facebook and will soon be launching a couple of podcasts! Like I mentioned, I LOVE learning new things and Steemit may soon be a regular part of my daily routine.

Have a great day!

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