Hi. I am Mihai: artist, painter, illustrator and I'm bringing my talents to Steemit!

Hello all,
I just joined steemit and I'm looking forward to bringing my work here.
Some things about myself:
I paint/draw or a version of it since I was 5 years old but in the last 6 months I'm completely obsessed with portraits, human form and expression.
Most of the time I work in ink with a nib, graphite pencil or watercolors. I do experiment with other techniques but nowadays days these are my favorites.
I wanted in my first post to contribute with an original work for steemit so here it is:

Yeap, it's @dantheman!
This took about 1 day to finish.
A little about my process:
People rarely have enough time to pose for me the 2-3 hours I'd need them to [ understandably ] so usually I just take a bunch of photos and use those as references.
I portrait my friends, my family, friends of friends. Anyone who looks interesting and is willing to be photographed from all angles.
The process can be pretty laborious, with 10 to 30 photos for each portrait, photos I study intensely before and during the actual drawing. The more photos I have the best I can make the portrait "stand out" and closer to life.
A line on page is not a line, it's a suggestion.
This portrait of Dan was not easy to make given I had just a few photos I found on the internet. It could have gone better if I had more photos, or at least higher-resolution photos but I am satisfied with the result.
I wouldn't have put it up if I weren't, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, which in art can be a heavy cross to bear.
What do you think of the portrait?
I've noticed that people post photos of themselves so here's one with me and the date:

My plans going further:
I hope that I can contribute weekly or so with my work around here. I was thinking to portrait more steemit users.
IS anyone interested in that? If so, please comment and maybe add a photo of yourself. As I said though, you'll have to send 20 good selfies if I am to do a good job so mind what you're getting yourself into!!
OK, fellas, that's my introduction.
See you around,

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