I'm just a dreamer...

I already posted to #introduceyourself but that was more like "Hi, I have no idea of what I am doing here". Now, 16 days later, I have posted a little bit and I have 24 followers. Wow! :D So it's time to really introduce myself.

This is me:

My real name is Markus. I was born in 1988 in my hometown Osnabrück, Germany.

I used to play footbal (soccer) since I was 6 years old and I became actually really good. Always one of the best in my team and in fact I had the opportunity to play for Osnabrücks professional team. I was invited to a training session. And hey... they made it into the 2. Bundesliga at about that time. So there are definitely some parallel universes in which I am a very popular and rich football player, playing for germanys national team, winning the world cup and stuff... *pop!* (That was just the dream bubble in my head right now...) But unfortunately things turned out slightly different.

At age 16 I got my first own computer, along with an internet connection. This changed my life quite a bit. :D Football became my second biggest love and later completely dissappeared. It got repressed by this new geeky and fascinating online world and I wanted to know how it works. I learned html and css, later javascript and php, even later a bit of c++ and java and I started to earn money with this fancy new skills at the age of 18. My first project was an "eroticism platform" as a side business for a shady day trader. The domain was eroticalacarte.de but unfortunately the site no longer exists. Basically you could search and order... well... whores. I was young and I needed the money! :P


Today I am a more serious software developer working at an advertising agency, building websites and tools and a lot of facebook stuff/shit. Well... at least this was the case until I got fired a few month ago. I got ill for a longer period of time and wasn't able to work. But the timing was the real deal breaker. A few weeks before, I landed the biggest contract the agency ever had and I was the sole responsible programmer. In the middle of implementation I had kind of a mental breakdown and stayed in a clinic for 6 weeks. My room mate claimed to be Zeus and that he will let comets rain down to planet earth. I felt a little bit out of place. :D

I think the breakdown came from a combination of problems in my family and relationship, too much work and waaay too much internet. Because I spent a lot, and I really mean a LOT of time with all kind of conspiracy theories and all the dark sides of humanity and all its problems. I always wanted to spent my whole time on educating people and helping others to do the same. The most important topic for me always was and still is... money! I tried to answer the question of what it is, how it is created and who controls it and how does all this affect society. And I found a lot of very alarming answers but also possible solutions. But how can a solution be achieved when the problem itself is so little known? This was very very stressful for me.

But at least, all this has drawn my attention to bitcoin and crypto currencies and eventually blockchain technology which occupies me for month now. Of course I heard of bitcoin years ago but unfortunately I didn't take it too serious and I also did not have the time to wrap my head around it. But it's never to late! I am really glad to be here now, looking forward to great content and imagining the world of tomorrow.

Because in the end... I'm just a dreamer!

So, now you know me... maybe a little bit too well actually. :D

Thanks for reading! Have a good one!

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