Getting to know me...Getting to know all about me!


Hello fellow Steemians! My name is Belynda and this is my first post. I looked around a lot on Steem, and it seems like we may have something special here. I'm not usually one to put myself out there but Steem seems like a platform that welcomes diversity and different opinions.
Let's get started... About me, I'm 40, married with a 20 year old son from the suburbs of New Orleans. I'm not your typical girl. I am a geek of all sorts. I love all things Walking Dead, and Game of Thrones. I love all the Comic Book Super Hero movies but my favorite characters always seem to be the villains. I love everything Horror related. The old black and white monster movies with Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi tug at my heart strings. I'm also a Saints fan, we've been to quite a few games in the Superdome, and I've loved every minute, win or lose.
I'm a crafty person as well. I like to paint, all sorts of things. I plan on sharing some of my best projects on Steem. I'm also one that loves to try different things on a whim. I am trying to teach myself to sew, and I'm also trying to learn to play the guitar. I don't have a ton of time for these things, but I know that the time will come when I'm not so busy.
I love to read and write. I love reading mystery, drama, sci-fi, and of course, horror. I can not stand romance novels. I feel that romance is overrated. I write, sometimes poetry, sometimes just thoughts. I am a lover of words and would love to write a novel one day. I'll add that to my bucket list.
There's more to my story that I will share... but this is me in a nutshell.
I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me.

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