Introduceyourself : Hi, I'm Batman and I Have Personality Disorders!

Hi, I want to introduce to Batman, but with his personality disorders! Batman is a very deep character. Too many movies, games, serials, cartoons, comics... It has the highest level of brand value. So, we need to learn his deep personality. Batman fans have a common idea. Batman has multiple mental disabilities. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is the most common of these. We are witnessing that there are many more diseases at the bottom. Even so, semi-academic work has been done on this subject. While explaining the topics, I will try to give extreme examples for clear understanding.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

In a nutshell, in order to get rid of some obsessive thoughts, it is necessary to make some compelling movements and to repeat them chronically. These obsessive thoughts are usually negative. For example, a patient with obsessive thoughts of sex can commit a compelling act such as rape. Those who repeat this continuously become serial rapists. Batman's obsessive thought is "war on crime." As a compulsive movement, it continues to develop, train, develop equipment and conduct research. He often shows paranoia and this is the symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The province and trigger of all other disorders. The living occurs in a violent event. The patient can not achieve the quality of life and psychological continuity before this event. The moment of trauma is often visualized in dreams. The patient avoids the trauma-causing event again. In the case of Batman; the murder of his mother and father in front of his eyes, when he is a small child. It is a fact that this traumen is experienced more intensely in children whose father is an important person. The father figure is already the most important foundation in human psychology and development. Batman's father is a smart, powerful, wealthy, successful and trustworthy man. In short, he has everything an individual needs from a father figure. But in the case of Bruce, the mother figure is at least as much as the father figure.

For this trauma not to be repeated hours, months and years of continuous work is done. The only goal is that you and / or other children can not reproduce the same thing. Unfortunately, the problem is caused by Alfred. As he acknowledged, "for years he has not known how to repair his broken heart, even though he has healed his wounds and stitched countless times". However, if he had been supported by expert psychologists, all the disorders would be over. Pity…

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Disorder that exists in people who are described as sociopaths. These people rarely feel compassion or guilt. Batman is always involved in the private life of other heroes, their thoughts and behavior patterns. In Kingdom Come, Wonder Woman is so uncomfortable with this manipulation that she says, "You aristocratic bastard!" In the number of times Supergirl emerges, Batman sneaks into the house of friendly characters. Mix their special stuffs and he will take away what he need.

Again, in the same number, he succeeds in manipulating Darkseid. In the Batman & Superman series, Superman himself says, "I admire Bruce's ability to direct events as he pleases, which sometimes even frightens me." There are so many places to say that "Batman is always right". And finally, in the Tower of Babel story, we learn that Batman has over-detailed plans to defeat all other Justice League members. Batman is really a sociopath.

Careful readers / audiences will notice the fact that Batman almost never laughed. This shows that there is a major depression. Batman has a few other problems like this. But these are the most common problems.

I guess that's all for now.
Take care of yourself steem community, see you! :)

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