Hello Steemit. I am Imperfect! MummyImperfect


I'm Rena aka MummyImperfect. I've been blogging for about a year and was recently introduced to Steemit by @nanzo-scoop.

As per my bio:

I’m a Writer, Director, Producer, and general creator and lover of entertainment. I was one of the founders and Artistic Directors of a theatre company called Caste Away Arts. I also work in broadcasting as an Assistant Radio Producer. I’m a Mum of two (soon to be three!), I’m Made In India and imported to London via Coventry.

I think Steemit is a cool concept although I'm really not sure how the money bit works! No big deal though. I figured, all I need to is sign up with my Facebook and blog some stuff (which I do anyway), so why not! If something comes of it, great. If not, I'm sure I'll meet some interesting people on the way.

I blog about

family, lifestyle, entertainment, health….and a good dose of randomness! Whatever I write about, I try to tell it like it is and I hope that my blog will amuse, inform, or inspire you in some way.

Here is a post I uploaded to my website to verify it is me. I will also tweet this out on my personal twitter lol!

That's it for now. Feel free to say hello in the comments!

For more of my #Lifestyle and #Parenting tips follow me @mummyimperfect or visit my website

#MummyIP x

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