Manuel the Third at your service! (@smaeunabs introduced me!)

HOLA Steemians! Manuel M. Valley the Third is your new guy -- 20 years of age four years ago, the coolest civil engineer in town, a shoe-collector, a Lebron fan and a loyal handsome boyfriend. Ooops! hahaha

Since elementary up until college, I always kinda hate the introduce yourself part every first week of the semester. I tend to stutter in front of many people because I have not really practiced my communication skills very well. After college, I listened to many TED talks for practice because it was those times when I was really eager to find a job. I wouldn't want to just stare at my interviewer because my jaws are locked. hahaha That's gonna be so embarrassing, right? Then voila!, I was able to overcome stage 1 of stage 50 in my Quest to better myself. And here I am now, on my 2nd job experience excluding my OJT of course hahaha. Oops! That's just a lil sort of intro in my intro post. Wait, what?? hahaha! You ready to know more about me? Bear with me and scroll a lil bit more.


I am Manuel, a man of few words. A 50%-25%-25% person, 50% amazingly handsome man, 25% romantic hot boyfriend and 25% cool with crazy thoughts and that's a total of 100% a-must-remember-name in the history of mankind. Again, I am that man, I am Manuel and you can call me tonight but no you actually cannot because my phone's dead hahaha, kidding aside. Seriously, you can call me Third technically for short because that's only a syllable less than my real name, standing 6 feet and 6 inches long and thick. hahaha.Currently living in my parents' crib just somewhere down the Cebu South Road and working as an engineer in the same company as @smaeunabs, @nikkabomb, @jonnahmatias1016, @ja9garnett, @aljoursantillan, @danyopana12, @mjp, @ozellequiamco, @richele, and @hannieentia06. Our small group has really gone big and bigger each passing week, thanks to our Fil-Am Manager (half-filipina, half-amazing as she claimed her to be hahaha lovelots she) and to the rest of the squad for never ending support and encouragement. You guys made me thought this is some sort of a networking hahaha. Good thing it really isn't. Now I am currently assigned as the Project-in-charge for our Mandani Driving Project with @nikkabomb, @mjp and @aljoursantillan.

Look at that! Hahaha That's @mjp, @nikkabomb, @mvalley13 (me), and @aljoursantillan from left to right. And we're the Mandani Driving Project Engineers!

In our line of work, we supervise the driving of piles on site which I will elaborate more on my next blogs. I bet @nikkabomb already showed you a sneak peek of our Pile Plant, so you probably are now ready to see the real deal. So wait for my next blogpost fellow steemian.

They said that, "Behind every man's success, is a woman." Well, I strongly agree on that. Because my ever supportive, soon-to-be-steemian girlfriend is always at my side to cheer me up. She's my human diary, food and travel buddy, hiking partner, my cheerleader and my shoe-collection ally.

My loving girlfriend, Shernecca!


This platform has more to give to me than I can give to them. And I'm really glad to be part of this amazing community. I maybe an inexperienced writer but I will strive hard to be able to express my crafts to do my fair share of contribution in this community. Here's a short list of the things I want to share with you.

  • As I have said, I am a shoe-collector, so I'll be posting price updates and even sale announcements for basketball shoes for men and women. But just to be clear, I do not sell shoes. I am just a collector and an appreciator. Here's a pic of some of my collections.

    And maybe I'll be adding some hacks on how to clean your shoes and DIYs for shoe racks. hehehe Sounds good?

  • Food and travel blogs. I and my girlfriend will take you to a new level of food and travel blogs. We'll take you to cheap and DIY travels as well that I'm pretty sure you'll definitely love. Stay tuned for I'm now making a draft. hahaha

  • And lastly, engineering related blogs. As an engineer who had been exposed to a couple of significant experiences, I would like to share the learning I have learned outside the four corners of our University. I'd like to reach more aspiring engineers and inspire them to continue what they have started. Also, I'll be more than happy to share some school hacks, not cheat skills, sorry. hahaha

I am now very excited to be more engaging as I embark to this new journey. This might not be my first blogpost because it took me so much courage to finish this intro post but I hope you'll consider this as my official intro greetings to you my fellow steemian. Cheers as we declare abundance for this year!


Remember, I am that MAN, I am MANUEL, @mvalley13!

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