The best introduction you'll read all day. Seriously.

I've been lurking steemit for awhile, so I figured it was time to do a proper intro. My name is Nathan. I'm married to @shawnamawna, who's a substantially cooler, more prolific and more attractive steemian than myself. Despite that fact, I somehow find myself sharing my life with her.

As for me, mostly I'm a huge nerd, into board gaming, video gaming, all kinds of technology and coding, blockchain and cryptocurrency (of course), and occasionally outdoorsy stuff. Music-wise I tend towards metal and electronica, in more or less equal parts. I've been doing functional fitness (CrossFit) for around the past 4 years, which has really given me a new lease on life with a lot more energy and strength. It comes in pretty handy with 3 young kids.

The author finds it difficult to smile for photos.

I'm a passionate advocate for justice, economic empowerment, humanism and feminism. I think constructive conversation between people who disagree is still possible, and is probably more important than ever. I hope that I can provide a voice for change for people who hope for a change.

Some things that are on my bucket list:

Developing and publishing an independent video game
Hiking to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
Visiting Australia
Building a house
Shooting a Thompson Submachine Gun
Leaving Earth's atmosphere

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