Hey Steemit! I'm @natashahall

Hello Steemit!

I wanted to reintroduce myself. For the last few months I've been developing recipes for healthy guilt-free sweet treats and other foods, based on research that I've done for many years.

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Healthy food is definitely something that I'm very passionate about and would really like to help others with, which is why I've started sharing this with you guys on Steemit.

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Then recently, I realized that there are other aspects of my life that I would love to share with you: my dogs and my life in the countryside.

First, I run a dog breeding kennel. I breed purebred Labrador Retrievers. I have eight labs, including two young puppies that I just adopted. Here are some photos of my new puppies, Finn (top) and Dakota (bottom).

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Each one of my dogs is so different from the next in terms of their personalities, yet the same in terms of their incredible love and loyalty. These dogs are my babies. And well there's something very rewarding about caring for them.

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Then secondly, I wanted to share the aspects of my life to do with living in the countryside in Canada. The environment out here is definitely something that I have fallen in love with. But I'll be honest, having been born and raised in the city, it took quite a bit of getting used to. Going from the noise and bustle of the city, and finding comfort in knowing that there were always people around; to living in the countryside, where my closest neighbour is a mile down the road.


All you can see from my back yard is endless green grass, trees, and a beautiful horizon, with no other houses or buildings in sight. I've grown to find comfort out here in the peacefulness and quiet that surrounds my home. I love waking up to the birds chirping and the trees blowing in the wind, as cliche as that may sound.

Here is a photo I took in my backyard the other day. Shot on an Iphone 7 plus.


The other thing about my home is that I support environmental efforts like wind and solar energy. On my 86 acres I have a wind turbine and solar panels, powering an average of 1500 homes.

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So that's my story: city girl turned country chick, living in the countryside in Canada. I will also be writing about my hikes on some of the beautiful trails out here, and trips to the surrounding beaches. And I will be reviewing restaurants in the area that use clean, healthy ingredients.

If you liked this don’t forget to vote, follow and comment!

I would love your feedback on what kinds of content and photos you would like to see more of on these topics.

All photos are my own original content.

You can also check out my website for my dog breeding kennel: torontolabradorpuppies.com.

And my Instragram page on healthy food: @natasha_a_h

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