Introduction- I am Bravo Four

For the last decade people have seen me in the public eye not only as a Second Amendment activist but as a Liberty activist.


My encounters with police have been eye opening and enraged the public. I've been threatened at gunpoint, had deputies try to run me over, been spit on, had baseball bats and knives pulled on me and I've been shot with rubber bullets for stepping in and defending the Free Speech rights of my political adversaries. I've been engaged in grocery store parking lot standoffs with federal agents and state police. My presence has stopped riots. I live balls to the wall so that others may take refuge behind me. I fear no man because he bleeds just like me. As a result, the political environment in my area has been destabilized and I've been fraudulently charged with felonies by the political oligarchy because I represent a change in the will of the people.


I am on the Terrorist Watch List because I practice what I preach. I approach police, federal agents, politicians and public employees and remind them that there are consequences to corruption. My physical presence scares even the Joint Terrorism Task Force because they know I will defend the Civil Liberties of all Americans and that I am motivated by a higher power to free my people.

Yes, I was present at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Yes, I am the intended target of the recent probes into the III% United Patriots of Minnesota. And yes, I am still here, defiant and proud, regardless of any threats to my person, family and Liberty. I am not going anywhere.

You can't shut me up.

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