Hello, Steemit! Deneb Catalan - Portrait Photographer in PDX

Hello Steemit!

I am Deneb Catalan,

I was born in Hawaii, mixed Hawaiian and European descent, only kid, got into acting and a bunch of other stuff that perked my interest at the time. Finally I was able to stick with Photography, and I really love my job.

I've been a professional photographer for the last eight years

and counting! I'm currently writing some Steemit posts that will dive into the business of Photography, through my perspective. Now, I am no expert on how you can make a lot of money in Photography, everyone is different. But I will share a lot about what to expect in the industry, knowing how to price your work, contracts, clients, how to take a industry standard headshot, tips for actors on headshots and camera work, whatever, I will give them to you like candy.

What's is Nebcat?

You will be shocked to know that quite a few people ask me this. In short, Nebcat was one of the many nicknames that was given to me when I was younger. It is a combination of my first and last name (example: deNEB CATalan). I thought Nebcat had a pretty good ring to it, so I used it for my graphic design business, Nebcat Visual Communications, in Hawaii. Then It became Nebcat Photography in Portland Oregon, where I'm currently residing. :)

Steemit is so awesome, it got me back into writing again.

I'm gonna be real with you. I did come here because of the money you make for posting. At first. Then when I read more about Steem and Steemit building communities of content creators with no censorship restrictions, kinda blew my mind.

Knowledge is Power

Well, as the saying goes. I've always felt that knowledge is potential power, because knowledge of something valuable is nothing until it's manifested through some kind of action. Unless that knowledge is a secret, then that's another story entirely. Makes sense right? So, I have all this knowledge that is useless to me, but could be worth something to you. Who knows?

Upcoming posts and stories

I'm a bit of a noob with blogging, but I will simply write and share some personal insights on photography and other topics in future posts. I will release some posts on, but not limited to; digital currencies, the paranormal, acting, comedy, hypothetical scenarios and random stuff. Now, let me be clear on one thing, although I share privileged knowledge (say THAT three times fast) I never release secrets or spoilers or name drops or any specifics. Also, I do make edits a lot. A lot. So, don't surprised that I added several paragraphs or images.

Thank you Steemit

I totally spaced out on sending a verification photo my first roundand for giving people the opportunity to share their thoughts with no boundaries.

Thank you for reading this! Follow me for more, please leave a comment, I will do my best to respond back and upvote comments!

Have fun and steem on.

Deneb Catalan
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Other Posts:
Confessions of an accidental photographer

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