Girl from Glasgow, Scotland and new Steemit devotee. Hello and good luck to everyone :) #IntroduceYourself

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I feel I should take the time to introduce myself to this exciting platform and collective of thinkers, hmmmm!! First thing is that I am pretty much delighted that Steemit exists and to take part. I feel that it is a beautiful idea with much promise. I'm a Scottish girl living in Glasgow, Scotland. For now I imagine that I will use the site to follow my favourite journalists and thinkers and possibly to share some of my own thoughts and experiences

My posts will share my views and information on Scottish Independence as we have a major problem in Scotland - propaganda. There is a complete media blackout on the truth about an Independent Scotland in the Main Stream Media, i.e. what an independent Scotland would look like and what it could offer the world.

The truth about the reality for an independent Scotland is being kept from the Scottish people. England relies on Scotland not vice versa. Our country is being forced to host a despicable, violent nuclear arsenal in a very populated area of our country and we watch our young men, women and resources being used to terrorise other innocent people in illegal wars - all against our will. Meanwhile a large percentage of Scottish people in poverty and hopelessness and wish for peace. Our pensioners have been lied to contemptuously by the Mainstream Media, terrified into voting against their own interests by powerful liars. The situation looks set to worsen as Westminster attempts to grab further powers over Scotland, those which until recently lay with the EU and I fully support another Scottish independence referendum very soon.

Any posts will include my own frustrated but hopeful views on the subject and my own photography of Scotland to hopefully calm things down a little again! :)

Other loves/interests/turn-ons/ponderings that I would love to read about, discuss and share...

Music (Funk, Jazz, Techno, House, Booty, Blues, Experimental, Ska, Reggae, Dancehall, Electro, R&B)
Photography (Landscapes, Scottish Landscapes, Abstract, Fashion, Street, Photojournalism)
Literature (Russian Classics, English Classics, Biographies, Science Fiction, History)
Scotland (Culture, Future, Independence Movement, Environment, Trident)
Wikileaks, Julian Assange and freedom of information
Animal rights
History of art
Fine art
The environment
Individual freedom and development
Blockchain technology
Ending electoral fraud
Vintage clothing, specifically 1970s (fashion, collecting, buying, selling, #banplastics, no to sweatshops)
Scottish craft particularly clothing
Dystopian movies and novels
Road trips, camping and camper vanning
Trying to decide whether to delete facebook and instagram...
Gothic greenhouses and orangeries
Living, loving, dancing, dancing more, learning, letting go and having fun.

Looking forward to seeing more and hopefully adding some content sharing my own experience with you too.


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