A copywriter, a physicist and a mom walk into a bar…

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They glance at each other, then head off to different parts of the room.

The copywriter heads to a table near the front windows. The physicist takes a seat at the bar, and the mom finds a cozy booth near the bathrooms.

Before long the copywriter is asking to see the owner because she thinks she can help improve their marketing and online presence.

The physicist is irritating the hell out of everyone at the bar. She’s engaged the bartender in a deep discussion about the nature of the universe. No one else is getting their drinks because the bartender is so fascinated at the possibilities he’s forgotten anyone else is there.

The mom settles into the booth with both feet up on the bench and begins reading her new favorite book using the Kindle app on her phone. She smiles at the waitress delivering her the soda she ordered and disappears back into her book – after checking for text messages from her kids.

Now, imagine they’re all the same person. Me.

Surprised? This isn’t that kind of joke!

This is an intro blog post after all. : )


I’m the nightowl writer. I enjoy hearing the click, click, clicking of my keyboard late at night when everyone else is asleep. I consider the night my natural habitat, but kids and work mean I’ve needed to adapt. I now blend my time between day and night.

Though if I’m being honest, and I always am, the most significant part of the three personalities within me is the mom. My kids are the most important part of my life, and I am so grateful to have them. My daughter is at university, and my son is just becoming a teenager. We are all very close and have survived together through many challenges. I’m not likely to talk about them too much here though. I try to respect their privacy because everything that goes on the internet is there forever. And though I may love a story about them, they may not want that online for the world to find should they achieve the greatness I believe them destined to find.

But both science and writing call to me and I will share a lot about both topics freely. I have a master’s degree in physics, and I’ve been writing since, well, since I knew how to write. I’ve finally decided it’s about time I polish off some of what I’ve written and get it published. So, I’ll be sharing that journey here.

I work as a freelance copywriter, helping businesses create online content that helps them grow, so you’re likely to see content on marketing or business too. And of course, I’m excited to write about science topics – physics primarily. I’ve also read some of the fantastic science and STEM content on Steemit and am looking forward to joining that community.

I’m excited to get going on this new experience called Steemit!

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