My Introductory Post

My name is Obakhavbaye Micheal Moyosore. I am a Physicist and an educationist. I hold a BSc degree in physics with electronics, an MSc in physics with a distinction and currently on my PhD program. I am from Nigeria.
I have undying love for nature and humanity. I am a teacher-leader and a fellow of Teach for Nigeria, a non-governmental organization working to end educational inequity in Nigeria. I have strong passion for teaching and ensuring that children have equal right to quality education and opportunity to be themselves and make it in life. I am a science enthusiast and I also write thought provoking science article with the aim of helping more people develop interest in science, because I believe this will be needed in creating a new world and addressing the developmental challenges of many countries. I believe science is a vital tool to ending lack of jobs and providing solutions to world problems.
I am the founder of Mentor an African child initiative (MACI). A non-profit organization working to provide deserve role model for kids from low-income communities attending underserved schools with deserve role models to mentor them and ensure they succeed in their endeavor. This initiative was born out of the alarming statistics that showed that many kids spend 4 to 6 years in school without learning the basis, and Africa happen to be one of the worst hit continents.
My hobbies are reading, teaching, meeting people, conducting research, cooking, and visiting exciting places. Although I am yet to visit places outside my country…smile.
I believe in global citizenship and I am a promoter of such. I love listening to music, my favorite genre is reggae. I am very passionate about anything I set myself to do.
Thank you for reading about me, I hope we can get to read from each other to learn and grow.
I am so excited being here, and I bid you to watch out and read my articles as they begin to flow out here. I will also do the same. Join me in this amazing journey.

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