Introducing Myself - Social Permaculture and Regenerative Societies

Well hello Steemit.

I was referred here by a friend of mine after finding a distinct lack of autonomy in my life. Like most of us, we feel taken advantage of by those who use us to make money for them, to prop them up with advice and good natured hand-outs, by those who expect without giving. I have felt myself giving my whole self for a long time, putting my own passions on the back burner to make a dollar from the grave and to ensure that everyone's else's needs are satisfied before my own, just to feel like I'm getting somewhere on what inevitably is a rat race treadmill1546261_512283102246619_2735386656736072575_n.jpg.

The irony in this is my penchant for empowerment, my drive to encourage emancipation of self and in that to find the art and science of building regenerative and self-perpetuating communities.

By opening this Steemit account, my aim is to kick myself up the arse and force myself back on to that road of self-driving forward motion; leading me to find the very methods to create self-empowerment and to encourage empowerment of those around me. While permaculture tends to look at the physical means to build self-sufficiency, I'd like to explore the social methods used to obtain it and maintain it.

I welcome you to join me on that journey as I take a headspin tour all around the word and back to find the very finesse in creating ourselves as useful and meaningful human beings that function in ordered diversity and in mutual respect and regeneration.

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