I called myself A man with PhotoVisions - Welcome all travel/nature/photo/art maniacs! Let's start!

 Just short Hi to everyone and go straight to the point! - WHO, WHAT and WHY...

 1. WHO: My name is Adrian – polish male human over 30, happy father of 9 month old boy, photographer, some sort of dreamer, traveler, now working, living and developing main hobby in Norway – Trondheim area. 

I am very much in Photography right now, and this will be main subject of the blog, but also I am a great fan of traveling, discovering new photo spots, being outdoor and experiencing the nature in all ways. The Nature is a main subject of my photography. Landscapes, natural phenomena, macros, abstract images, interesting species, and all of the other things which I called PhotoVisions – my own, sometimes unique point of view on surounding world. I am creating portfolio site: www.asphotovisions.com and among other accounts, posting a lot on FB fanpage 


2. WHAT: As I am a pasionate photographer since many many years now, I would like to share all my knowledge and experience with You guys, by creating some tutorials of how to/what/where and when to shoot, to get better and better results. There will be something about photo gear, about preparations and planning, about techniques and of course post processing of taken photos.   

Other type of posts will be the short stories behind some of my favourite photos and reports from photo-expeditions and workshops which I will organize as a single-man-army ;) as well as group tours. My main areas of shooting right now is Norway, also Scotland, Poland and I hope in few months time – my dreamy Iceland.   

 3.WHY: I am really excited of joining the steemit community as I found the platform extreme interesting for the general concept of rewarding things that have good content – not only for the 'popularity' or something we could called 'spam' or 'cancer posts'. I am so so tired of FB politics, where every 6th post is commercial now, YT censoring every not-popular content and closing channels of 'not so polite' authors... I am totaly new in crypto currency stuff and Steem. Before I joined Steemit I read a lot of different opinions about it and 90% of them were positivie – with the most important info for me, that 'If You have passion, If You have some knowledge, If You have ideas which You want to share with others, If You can create good content – You should try it'

All of this I want to share with You guys hoping for some interesting comments, questions, new ideas and opinions as I would like to create the group of people who can give each other positive energy every day. The energy that we all need to start the actions, to create something new, to open eyes even wider on new matters and directions, group which can learn from each other, support each other in their hobbies and develop their skills.   

 FINAL WORD: So, so many ideas in the head right now, so little time in every day life... – but I must also admit, I use quite a lot of time posting photos on different photographic pages, creating posts on FB fanpage, Insta... I am searching one platform which can be something more than all of others - and this can be it. Future stuff I hope. 

I think Steemit is changing the way of virtual comunication between people of the same interest. It is like revolution - so let it hapening, let's get to know each other! 

Cheers and have fun !! 

..... Just some more shots below, no text ;) ..... 

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