#IntroduceYourself Planetweaver

I am having an unequivocally delightful alighting into Steemit due to the syncronicities that landed me here. From where I reside on the California Central Coast, me newly apprised of #Holochain, I was prompted to alert one of my nephews over in England, who I thought might well share my interest in this peer 2 peer distributed network. His interest was definitely piqued and in turn, he told me, hey, and you should check out steemit, I think you'll really like it. He @abelartist was right; I signed up that day. Then, THAT day, I got invited by Colorado @Chireya to jump on a call with @KennysKitchen ~ So here I am doing my best to land well in steemit-land according to Kenny as well as @teamsteem @teamsteem/how-to-make-the-most-out-of-your-introduction-post

I serve on 1,000 Hummingbirds Women's cross-creed council for the waters of the earth, as well as WomenRise for Global Peace. Happy co-planter of multiple #PeacePoles ~ president of Great Questions Foundation 501(c)3 ~ trained in #RestorativeJustice #deathmidwifery #weddingofficiant ~ intrepid urban bicyclist ~ maker of kilts [OTB / Only The Brave], erstwhile #Tsuvian ~ Ongoing exciting spousing adventure & co-writing: 'Dreaming Each Other Awake'; doing our best to put words to what we are loving living / grooving on ~ Oh, and 3 out of 3 grandchildren born into my hands... They call me 'grelf' [grandmother elf]

~I facilitate Crystal Light Therapy [CLT/beneficial emfs] sessions at Santa Cruz Full Moon Family Wellness and Birth Center as well as at Tree of Health integrative clinic, in the Redwood Village Santa Cruz South County [historic tree house!]

I'm stoked to say last but not least, I'm a Global Change Ambassador on RoundTable.Global, totally on board for '3 global goals': "Educational Innovation, Empowering Everyone and Environmental Rejuvenation" https://www.roundtable.global/our-global-goal-projects/

Okay, that's a flavor. My facebook is https://www.facebook.com/corrina.mcfarlane.9
My Twitter handle is also @planetweaver

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