Hello Everybody! My name is Kimberly and.....

Hello Everybody! My name is Kimberly and I am pumped about getting my account so I can start steeming away. My husband and I exited our Corporate Careers in Tennessee during Spring of 2015, with a decision to begin chasing our dreams. We sold our home and most our possessions and moved to Guatemala to fulfill one of both our bucket list items of living Internationally. I would have been fine with staying in Guatemala forever but my Love wanted to move on to VA. After about 6 months of decompressing, he was ready to get moved onto our Land we had also been dreaming of starting a farm on, and giving our best shot at being more self sufficient. So here we are beginning the next phase of our lives on the farm, experiencing and learning all we can on this beautiful Mira Mountain.

I am a huge fan of vegetable and flower gardening but until our small garden last year, it has been many years since working with the veggies. My biggest passion is likely with houseplants. I am a hoarder for sure. I want them all and I like to keep them forever. I hired a plant sitter when we moved out of the country as obviously I couldn’t take them. I had two very large plants that I have had all my life and then I made starts off the others that I just did not want to live without. I was so happy to be able to keep some of my living prized possessions. I have dreamed of a greenhouse (garden room) my whole life and was able to fulfill that dream when we built our home. The Greenhouse is A whole new learning experience which will definitely become a blog at some point. One of the great joys was using white oak from our property for the timbers in the Greenhouse. The inside is paneled with sideboards off those same timbers. Designing this dream and living here during the build was one of the best experiences ever. This past year I started making wine. I have 4 small batches under my belt now and I can tell you that I am hooked on making my own.

I also love me some adventure travel. Nothing like visiting and embracing new cultures, people, food and going to the less traveled destinations for sure. My husband @qberry has written several articles about our travels so I will spare you the duplicate details. I do have a couple of favorite pictures from our adventure travels. It makes me feel badass for sure. We did ice wall climbing in Alaska at the Matanuska Glacier. Making it to the top of that Ice wall was something else! Hell, just learning to walk with Crampons was badass 😊

My little Family consists of my husband Chad and my favorite girl Onyx. Onyx is a rescued mixed German Shepherd and my best bud. She has been with us since October of 2008 and has brought so much joy to our lives. She rules the roost right now and I cannot imagine life without her.

I am excited to make friends with house plant enthusiasts, veggie and flower gardners, wine makers, fermenters, cooks, adventure travelers and pet lovers of all kinds. Regarding the Garden and Canning, I have plenty of space to fill in my canning room. I gave it my best shot last year, but only water bath canning. This year I am starting ‘real’ canning! I also love to decorate, not necessarily buying new things or thrifting for new things. I just love moving what you have and finding new uses for things in your house.

I want to always be a student, to be open minded, Kind to all and give back at every opportunity. Thank you for reading my intro. I honestly look so forward to meeting and learning together. Peace to All! Kimberly

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