Introducing myself to Steemit Community!

Good Morning Steemit!

My name is Queenie, 21 years old from Olongapo City!
Nice to meet you! Here's a little introduction of who I am.


I am the fourth child in our family, and also the only daughter, their "Queen" haha.
I am currently taking Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management as my college course. I chose this course because it is the closest to my passion and interest. I learned how to cook when I was only 9-years old and since then, I dreamed of becoming a chef someday.

However, as I grew up, I found other interests and it widen the possible dreams for me. But after years of thinking, I finally chose BSHRM to pursue my dream career and to learn on how to manage a hotel and a restaurant. Taking this course is not as easy as they thought. It takes our mental and physical energy to do the skills and tasks needed for our course. There are sleepless nights just to finish a requirement. This course also empty out our pockets for all the expensive ingredients and recipes we are required to cook.

There are some times, of course, that I thought of giving up because I felt discouraged and hopeless in this course. However, these hardships are one of the stepping stones that I should take to help me achieve my goals someday. I learned to love my course and enjoy every subjects. Thankfully, my effort and determination gave me a high grades. Now, I am one of the most entrusted and my professors are considering me as a candidate to graduate as "cum laude" in the next years.
One day, I will stand in the ribbon cutting ceremony of my very own restaurant.

The first talent that I have discovered as a child is singing. Unfortunately, I grew up as a shy and silent girl. I kept my voice to myself and never let anyone hear me sing. Because of this, my confidence and self esteem became so low. When I started in college, my classmate introduced me to our school's official choir. At first I hesitated but then I tried. I could not believe that I will top that audition and passed!

Now I became a member of our school's choir, a Soprano 2 singer and became a scholar because of it. It is a win-win for me because I am also an aspiring singer and it's helping me improve my singing talent. Now I can proudly sing in front of everyone!


Next ! I am also an illustrator. I can't call myself as an artist yet because I lack professional knowledge and skills. I draw as my leisure time and for fun. I've always been into anime ever since I was a kid. I tried drawing Sailor Moon and Naruto characters when I was young, and because of this, my interest in drawing grew big. I always join poster making contest on our school and thankfully, I've always won awards. I also wanted to be an architect or a fine-arts designer, however, I did not pursue this career because of financial in-capabilities.

I know that I am still a beginner or a amateur in drawing. I know what I can draw and what I can't. It makes me sad when I try drawing something and my hand doesn't seem so supportive of the'mon! Draw! Have you ever felt this kind of dismay? I always do. And because of this, I learned how to follow my emotions. I now draw only based on my mood and based on how I feel.

Lately, I've been drawing a lot of images that reflects the sorrow and horror of depression. I don't want to sound negative, but I support people with depression. I am also coping up with it, so everyone should too :)

The photos above are some of my drawings for Inktober event.

Hmm...what else can I share? I am a cat lover and I like cute and small things. I also edit videos and design. Sometimes, I am turning it into a business. I take small proposals, like a school project. Country, classics, punk rock, alternative rock and acoustic are my genre in music. I am also a huuuge anime enthusiast. I can talk about anime all day, especially Gintama. And when I have time, I watch anime and K-Drama, with my long time fiance'. We met through anime and Slapshock (rock band) ! And yep, we're 3 years engaged haha <3

Aaand I think that is all. I have said a lot already (pardon me ^^") Thank you for reading my introduction. I hope somehow I caught your attention. I have a lot more to say but that's all for now. I'll write it in my next blog on the coming days. I will be posting a lot of interesting things that may be useful too. I am looking forward and expecting your support :)

Thank you @wagun001 for introducing me to Steemit.

Have a great day ahead!
Arigato, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

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